The Impact And Benefits Of Internet In Underdeveloped Regions Of The World

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Whether the internet is a blessing or a curse has always been a matter to think about. In some cases, even debate about it, but we cannot deny that the internet has been the greatest help to society.

It is still questionable whether it is all a blessing, but it is definitely a gift! Because it has given us the biggest gift of all time; the gift of knowledge. If we use the internet in the right way, we can educate ourselves leaps and beyond.

Now, we also have graduation and post-graduation courses which can easily be obtained with the help of the internet. Plus, loads of movies from all around the world can help you gather knowledge with a touch of entertainment and lots of tablespoons of great cinematography!

If you want to download free movies, the pirate bay is always available. However, today we are here to talk about third-world countries precisely, how the internet is affecting and benefiting the citizens of underdeveloped countries.

Effects & Benefits

The reach of the internet has reached almost every corner of the world. This doesn’t exclude the underdeveloped, third-world countries. Here are some of the ways they are impacted.

1. Access To Education & Knowledge

With the internet, education and the reach of knowledge are being gaped. People are getting sources from all around the world. They also have access to courses like bachelor and postgraduate courses where people can get certificates.

Illiteracy amount is also decreasing with access to the internet. Knowledge can also be referred to as the news that they are receiving from different sources. They are no more blind about the happenings of the world.

2. Job Opportunities

The internet is now providing job opportunities as well. Sometimes, it so happens that the education and the extra curriculum knowledge is received, but when it came to getting a good educational degree, everything faltered.

Third-world countries sometimes fail to provide the employment which is deserving of their citizens. Thanks to the internet, now these can be provided by the internet. There are countless sights and even big social media applications which can provide the right job based on their qualifications.

Some of these also link courses which they learn over the internet just to get this job.

3. Education Gap

Before the internet, there was this huge education gap between the people who belong from a privileged 1st world country. The education gap could also be seen in that thirst world country, between the rich and the poor.

People below the line of poverty had the highest illiteracy rate. However, with the advent of the internet, this huge gap has been minimized a lot. Another factor that is adding to this benefit is the affordability of internet services.

With every generation, if the gap decreases, it will also help the countries become more developed because of the internet.

4. Communication Is Getting Stronger

Communication is the biggest problem when it comes to third-world countries. The lack of inter-communication within the country and outside the international borders was what kept these countries underdeveloped.

Needless to say, with the internet, communication within the countries grew exponentially. With this, things like education, business, and other tertiary sectors grew as well, especially after the pandemic when the physical world literally crumbled and everything became digital.

It was only with the aid of the internet that people from third-world countries were able to retain their business and work.

5. They Are Becoming Global

Third-world countries are also becoming a part of the global village because of the internet. Now that third-world countries are making headway when it comes to communicating beyond international borders.

With the help of digital marketing, citizens have even started trading internationally. Yes, globalization was a little late with them, and it came especially when the internet took off; but they are definitely catching up with the rest of the world rapidly.

Education is also reaching international limits. Since citizens are trying to get more and more familiarized with the world, they also started taking courses that will make them ready for the world.

Final Note

Some of the underdeveloped countries are almost picking themselves up to become developing countries. The day isn’t far when their education level and economic status will give them a position among the developed countries.

The internet is known to be neither a boon nor a blessing; it depends on how people use it. However, it has clearly been a blessing for the third world countries, as they have effectively used it in all the positive ways.

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