The Health Effects of CBD Vaping


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Look in any dispensary, or browse online for cannabidiol (CBD) products, and you’re sure to find a wide variety of CBD vape pens and cartridges. CBD is a natural substance belonging to a group of compounds known as cannabinoids that are found within the hemp plant. While CBD is a recent health kick with a strong backing due to its lack of psychoactive effects and potential health benefits, is using CBD products, like vapes, safe? Let’s take a closer look at the health effects of CBD vaping to answer any questions you may have about CBD vapes.

Is vaping safer than smoking, or is it harmful?

When the term “vape pen” comes into play, many may think back to the string of lung injuries that took place only a few years ago. This occurrence put many on edge when it came to vaping, especially if they were interested in hemp vapes that contain CBD or THC. That being said, it’s important to have all the facts in front of you so that you can make an educated decision in regard to whether these products will be a good addition to your health routine.

In regard to the string of EVALI outbreaks, many of the outbreaks were linked to illegally or informally obtained pens and vapes that featured vitamin E acetate, which was strongly linked to the negative symptoms that individuals were experiencing once lab results were analyzed (unlike other ingredients like vegetable glycerin, MCT oil, and propylene glycol). Since the vast majority of EVALI cases were reported, there has been a decline, which can be due to the removal of vitamin E acetate, better education about vape pens, and more law enforcement surrounding illegal vapes.

So, is vaping legally produced and distributed vapes safe? Not necessarily. Vaping still comes with its risks, but it’s up to your discretion whether you wish to vape. The best way to avoid these risks is to look for the best CBD vape pens that have been built with care so that you’re not inhaling dangerous contaminants like pesticides or heavy metals when you start enjoying your vapor. No matter what type of flavor (strawberry lemonade, lavender, and blue raspberry are just a few examples), potency, or purity (terpenes and other chemicals in the hemp plant create an entourage effect in full-spectrum CBD oil) you’re looking for, you’re sure to find a high-quality disposable vape pen that meets your needs. Some brands to help you get started include CBDfx, PureKana, and JustCBD.

Will you experience any health benefits if you choose to vape CBD?

Now that you have a better understanding of how vape juice can impact your health, the next question is how CBD vape oil can play a role in your health. It’s important to note that the impact of CBD on health still has to go through more extensive research before any CBD benefits can be completely vetted. That said, users will often turn to CBD vape juice as a way to tap into potential health benefits such as:

  • Pain relief and relief from inflammation
  • Stress relief and support with relaxation (or increased energy, depending on the amount of CBD you have in your CBD pen or how many puffs you take)
  • Mood support (there may be the potential to alleviate symptoms of health conditions like anxiety or depression)
  • Support for those with insomnia
  • A reduction in acne symptoms

Those who wish to tap into the benefits of CBD will naturally turn to a disposable pen or another vape device due to the fact that vaping is the fastest way to receive the quick relief you’re looking for (vapors are immediately dispersed throughout the bloodstream once you inhale). CBD has been associated with some minor side effects, but there are no concerns about overdose or dealing with serious side effects that could result in an emergency room visit. Put simply, CBD is a relatively safe substance that may give you support for certain health issues.

When it comes to CBD and vaping, there are many considerations you want to make to ensure that you have the best vaping experience possible. Always look for a quality product with pure CBD, avoid buying from people instead of reputable companies, and know the potential health risks of vaping. You’ll also want to consult your doctor before trying new CBD products to see if they think it can interact with anything you’re taking or harm you in any way. If you do all of those, trying out CBD for yourself could prove beneficial in the long run.

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