The Different Signs of Mice in Your Home

Home Decor

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Being a homeowner is one of the most rewarding experiences as an adult. When you own your own home, you get to choose how to decorate, renovate, and outfit your house with furniture. 

However, homeownership also comes with a lot of responsibilities. You’re responsible for making repairs, doing maintenance, and preventing pest infestations. 

The best way to prevent pest infestations is by spotting the signs early. This is especially important if you have a mice problem. Mice reproduce rapidly and cause a substantial amount of damage.

We can help. Keep reading to learn about the most common signs of mice.

Visual Sightings

First, if you see a mouse inside your home (dead or alive), it’s one of the most obvious signs of a larger problem. Mice generally live in mischiefs. Mischief is the official (and fitting) term for a group of mice. 

If you see one mouse, there are likely several more living within the walls. Mice can have up to 20 pups in a litter and reproduce several times a year.

Mouse Droppings

If you think you might have a mice infestation, look for droppings in common pest areas. Mouse droppings can generally be found:

  • In attics
  • In garages
  • Behind cabinets
  • Under furniture
  • In storage areas

Remember, mice are attracted to food and water. Searching for mice signs near food sources is a good place to start. This includes your cupboards, pantry, and areas where pet food is stored. 


One of the most unpleasant signs of mice is the odor produced by their waste. Typically, you won’t smell their feces as much as you’ll smell their urine. 

Fresh mouse urine smells like ammonia while fermented urine smell more like damp wood. If your mice problem has escalated to the point that you can smell their waste, call Rodent control immediately.

Scratching Sounds 

In some cases, you’ll hear mice long before you see any of their signs or smell their waste. Listen for scratching sounds behind your walls. This is one of the most common tips on how to tell if you have mice.

You might also hear them in storage areas, particularly if you have a bunch of clutter piled up.

Chew Marks

Mice in homes often leave bite marks wherever they go. This can be in drywall, cardboard, and other materials.

It’s important to act quickly, as mouse chewing behaviors can lead to a lot of property damage. This includes the structural materials, clothing, and important memorabilia like photo albums, certificates, and other documents. 


Finally, if you suspect you have a mouse problem, look for oil/grease marks at the base of your walls, around pipes, and on other surfaces. Mice have oil glands that help them move around quickly and efficiently.

These oil glands also leave traces of their pathways. They leave grease marks as they brush up against surfaces as they scurry about. 

Do You See Signs of Mice in Your Home?

Are you seeing any of the signs of mice listed above in your home? If so, time is of the essence. You need to act quickly before a small mice problem becomes a mice infestation. 

Reach out to a local pest control company immediately to mitigate your damages and expenses. And if you’re looking for homeownership advice, check out some of our other articles before you go. Our blog is full of content created to help people navigate their way through all of life’s obstacles.

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