Teeth Whitening Treatment Methods and Potential Cost


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This article will go over the three main teeth whitening options and their associated costs. We will delve into which options offer the best results as well as budget-friendly solutions. If you are looking into teeth whitening for yourself or a family member, any dental office near your area should be able to talk you through your options and costs.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

The reason why someone would want teeth whitening varies from person to person. If you want to whiten your teeth, you can check out the professional dental clinic in Vienna. Some of these reasons for cosmetic teeth whitening include:

  • Boost Self Confidence
  • Cover Poor Dental Work
  • Maintain Healthy Oral Hygiene
  • Appear Younger
  • Feel More Attractive

One of the common reasons why a patient desires teeth whitening is to improve the appearance of stained teeth. Tooth staining can occur over many months. Here are some adverse causes that may bring about stained teeth:

  • Consuming Red Wine, Coffee, and Carbonated Drinks
  • Smoking
  • Thin Teeth
  • Age
  • Tooth Trauma

But how much does teeth whitening cost and what are the options?

Cost of In-Office Teeth Whitening

A proper tooth whitening by a professional dentist is one of the most expensive options. You can learn more about this here.

However, this option comes with caveats since the dentist can provide additional recommendations on how to improve your oral health. Additionally, you benefit by having it performed by an experienced dentist. This option is perfect for anyone who wants to achieve the best results and is not confident following the home kit instructions. While home kit instructions are simple, they are not for everyone.

In many cases, in-office laser teeth whitening achieves better results. When compared with at-home kits or over-the-counter products. This is attributed to the bleaching agents that a dentist uses. They are stronger than those in whitening strips or at-home teeth whitening treatments. For instance, whitening strips contain around 10 percent hydrogen peroxide. Whereas in-office teeth whitening contains around 25 to 40 percent hydrogen peroxide.

The process of in-office laser teeth whitening is straightforward. First, the dentist protects the gums and then carefully applies high-concentration gel to the teeth. This gel will be kept on the teeth for 15 to 20 minutes and this part may be repeated for up to an hour in total. If your teeth have any stubborn stains, your dentist may recommend additional visits.

The national average of in-office teeth whitening is around $650 per visit. Although, this can vary between $500 to $1,000. The cost of teeth whitening depends on the products used and the prices the dental offices near you charges.

Cost of Professionally Dispensed Take-Home Kits

As an alternative to in-office teeth whitening, this option is the next best thing. Many dentists feel that this type can produce great results. Professionally dispensed take-home kits use lower-concentration peroxide gel. The user applies this gel onto their teeth for about an hour, occasionally the instructions may ask you to keep on overnight. The length of time required will depend on the peroxide percentage. Typically, the lower the peroxide percentage, the longer you will have to leave it on. These kits are created by dentists and provide a custom-made bleaching tray so that the patient can achieve their deisred results.

The national average for this type of kit is $100 to $400. These kits are prescribed directly from your dentist, so the cost will depend on how much they charge. Professionally dispensed take-home kits have the potential to deliver results that are on par with those you can get from in-office treatments. If you are interested in this method, you should locate a dental office near you to discuss this option.

Cost of Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening

There are many over-the-counter teeth whitening products available. Some of the most popular options are whitening strips, gels, and toothpaste. These are also the most affordable options, giving everyone access to teeth whitening at-home. You can usually find these products in your local drugstore or pharmacy.

For teeth whitening gels, you are provided with a tray that is filled with the whitening solution. You then place the tray over the teeth and wait for the specified amount of time. Teeth whitening gels will cost under $100. However, the trays that are provided within the box are standard, one-size-fits-all. This can often result in only the front teeth being treated properly, due to an ill-fitted tray. If you want to get the most out of your teeth whitening products, your dentist can create a custom-fitted whitening tray for less than $400.

Another product that can be bought over the counter is teeth whitening strips. Generally, a box of strips will cost $20 to $40. You will usually be given enough to treat your teeth daily for a week or two. Before you use any at-home kits that contain low-concentration peroxide, there is one thing to remember. That results will vary drastically and may not be consistent each time.

The Bottom Line

If you are looking to achieve a whiter smile, it’s important to consider the cost. While in-office treatments are the best option, they are not accessible to everyone, as they may be cost prohibitive. In contrast, whitening strips and gels are a great option for anyone who is looking for a budget-friendly solution.

It’s important to remember that regardless of which teeth whitening method you choose; the results are in no way permanent. The results will eventually fade, and another treatment will be needed to maintain the desired look. To ensure that the results last longer, you should avoid drinking red wine, coffee, and tea in excessive amounts.

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