Technological innovation the strength of the present and future

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The rate of investment in science and technology in Latin America and the Caribbean is still very low in relation to the worldleaders. Which marks that inequality of opportunities that has us still relegated to the third world. Lack of employment, poverty, misery, are some of the consequences of the little importance given to the investment of new and better opportunities. It is understandable that in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, where it is not even possible to give the entire population the basic rights: education, health and work, the budget for technological development is reduced, however it is the Governments, which must have more interest in generating wealth and development opportunities, stop surviving and start creating, generate new and better opportunities. 

According to data from the United Nations, Latin America and the Caribbean, investment in research and development is still very low in relation to developed countries:

Latin America and the Caribbean still lag far behind other regions of the world in terms of research and development. While the United States, Japan and the Republic of Korea invest between 2.5 and 3 points of their gross domestic product (GDP) in this area, and the European Union about 2 points, our continent as a whole allocates only 0.5 points of itsGDP.

This investment gap also translates into a significant difference in the productivity of theireconomies. That is why it is necessary to adopt public policies aimed at creating and developing innovation capacities that allow taking advantage of the acceleration of technological change and economic openness. This is stated by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in the document Productive Development in Open Economies, presented at itsThirtiethSessionheld in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Innovation is the main pillar of the growth and competitiveness of companies, therefore a key element in terms of the development and stability of the economy. Today the development of technological knowledge is the key to the world economy, whoever dominates technology, dominates the world.

However, the process of research, acquisition and development in terms of technology has not been, nor will it be, uniform in all regions of the planet, which further widens the gap of inequality and opportunities. In many regions of Latin America and the Caribbean, where basic services are limited, it is impossible to bet on the development of new technology, limitations such as lack of roads, infrastructure are the main stumbling blocks for innovation.

According to Data from the United Nations, in the case of Latin America and the Caribbean, research and development is financed mainly by Governments, followed by other institutions and companies:

In the case of Latin American and Caribbean countries, research and development is mainly funded by governments. This contrasts with the situation in other regions, where a third of the expenditure is borne by higher education institutions and private non-profit organizations, and a third by governments, while companies assume another third of the total.

In addition, the absolute differences are very large. In developed countries, companies invest between 200 and 700 dollars per inhabitant in this area. The Latin American countries where spending on research and development by companies is greatest are Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, with about 50 dollars per person, while Mexico spends 33 dollars, and Costa Rica, Uruguay and Venezuela just over 20 dollars. Meanwhile, the spending of governments in the region on research and development is higher, ranging between 20 and 36 dollars in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico. This figure is still far from the $150-250 per capita invested by the governments of developed countries.

The consequence of this model of investment in technology has led to the generation of companies in the region that invest in the same areas and relieve the generation of new opportunities, services and even products.

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However, there is a small number of companies in Latin America and the Caribbean, which, not having any support or incentive from governments, altruistically allocate a percentage of their profits to invest in the development and new technologies. 

This is the case of Grupo Visión, a company of Honduran origin, based in Tegucigalpa, run by Jonathan Schacher and Roderick Schacher.Thiscompany has more than 20 years of experience in the market of technological services, focused on security and process solution. At the service of companies, institutions and governments, it has created cutting-edge technological programs and innovation. 

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Grupo Visión allocates a percentage of its profits to research and creation of new technologies, so innovation is the strongest and most important pillar of this organization. “The adoption of a digital lifestyle is a reality,” says Jonathan Schacher, director of Grupo Visión. That together with his brother RoderickSchacher, they work every day to bring innovation to their products and services. 

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The main services offered by the Honduran company are: 

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Among the main innovations that Grupo Visión has created and implemented in several countries in Latin America, Central America and the Caribbean are:

ALIS – Automatic Live Identification System

Integral system for the processes of issuance of high security documents, providing them with a set of state-of-the-art tools based on the provision of a high availability, modern and secure service.

ALIS offers a wide variety of advanced functionalities that allow greater flexibility and security in the issuance of documents, with a meticulous follow-up of all the stages that involve their production. In addition to providing real-time statistical information that speeds up decision making.

Grupo Visión offers the e-guest as a modern technological solution that will allow institutions such as the National Migration Service or Migration Institutes of the Region, to keep track of the guests who register in the hotels nationwide, making use of document readers that allow a quick capture of the guest’s information and sending this information to a repository in the cloud and later to the data centers of the institutions. 


The Police Information System, SIP is an integral system of Grupo Visión that allows the national security forces, police, among others, to have information in real time, from the field. It has the ability to interconnect with different databases, allowing the secure sending of information to mobile devices deployed in patrols. 


Mobile system for purposes of access to multiple data sources, which allows to have relevant information for the verification of identity and data associated with a specific profile of citizens.
Grupo Visión’s CAPTURE ONE MOVIL software can run on an Android smartphone or tablet, leveraging existing equipment for a complete end-to-end solution.
CAPTURE ONE MOVIL software formats biometric data captured in a standard NIST transaction log and transmits it to a remote national, state, or local AFIS system over a wireless network. 


E-guest, cloud-basedsystemdesignedtoprovidesecurityservices and theneedforsomegovernmentinstitutionstoknoworconfirmthelocationofvisitors and / orpeopleofinterest are nationalsorforeignerswhostay in hotelswithinthe country.

Grupo Visión offers the e-guest as a modern technological solution that will allow institutions such as the National Migration Service or Migration Institutes of the Region, to keep track of the guests who register in the hotels nationwide, making use of document readers that allow a quick capture of the guest’s information and sending this information to a repository in the cloud and later to the data centers of the institutions. 


IdentOneis a solutionfortheverificationofidentityofpeoplethroughfingerprints, through 1:1 comparison, ideal forbiometricverifications prior tothegenerationof personal transactions, ortransactionsthatrequiretheunequivocalidentificationofthepersonwhoperformsthem.

Results of the verifications available via web service allowing easy integration with most current platforms.

In case of not being able to verify the identity of the person, a supervisor must carry out the verification through the verification of his own identity. 


ExodusBC is a comprehensive solution of multiple modules that allow to improve and facilitate the migratory function. Being a totally web development allows easy maintenance and does not represent installation problems, presenting advantages of being able to be used also from mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets through the internet. Exodus allows the easy exchange of information with other systems via web services.

It allows, among others:

  1. Control of Migratory Alerts
  2. Circular Control
  3. Consultation of Migratory Movements
  4. Hotel Control
  5. BlackList Control
  6. Passport and Visa Module
  7. Control of Extensions
  8. Control of Permanence Seals
  9. Pre-checkOutMigratory
  10. Management Dashboard
  11. Audit
  12. Control of inputs and outputs
  13. Integrated with ABIS Systems
  14. Online Immigration Pre-Checkup
  15. Mobile module (Handahelds and suitcases)
  16. Online and offline features


It allows quickly and easily, the capture of high quality biometric images and demographic data, speeding up your enrollment process. Designed for police and criminal investigation applications, SECURA allows you to manage a significant amount of data related to the person and their history, including:

∙Multiple photographs (front, both sides)

  • Control of Marks and Scars
  • Tattoo Registration
  • Record of police background information
  • Registration of flat and rolled fingerprints.

Its modern user interface requires fewer clicks for the same tasks, while the intuitive data capture process visually guides operators through process capture. It supports the capture of multimodal images of fingerprints, palm prints, irises and facial images. Data entry is simplified with drop-down menus and customizable workflows and user privileges provide greater flexibility and enhanced security.

It carries out an exhaustive quality control at the time of enrolment, guaranteeing that it always has the best information for the comparison processes within the ABIS systems with what it can interoperate. 


GV-Cloud is Grupo Visión’s private cloud to provide our customers with a video surveillance platform for companies and the public sector in a “video as-a-services” modality.

It is a cloud-based video monitoring system that allows you to watch live and recorded videos from your laptop, tablet or smartphone. The service is easy to install, requires minimal maintenance, and helps protect your data so you know your business is secure and your operations run smoothly, wherever you are. 


XenturySign is an electronic signature solution that is available in the cloud or on the customer’s infrastructure. The solution enables users to protect access, manage identities, verify transactions and protect assets in the financial, enterprise, e-commerce, government and healthcare markets. XenturySign captures signatures at the point of customer support, on websites or in the field.

XenturySign is able to manage the internal signature workflow as well as customer-facing transactions. It allows users to upload documents, assign multiple signatures to each signer, and manage multi-part routing. Users can create their own workflow requirements and specify the sequence of signatures collected.

XenturySign offers branding and white labeling options.


Grupo Visión has developed an intelligent assistance platform HelpMe in its version 2.0 for the issuance of tickets for reports of problems related to the project or systems owned by the client, this platform allows the assignment of the ticket to the designated technician, according to their capacity and availability. This service allows the customer to have a status tracking and reports of problem solutions with the solution electronically. 

The platform provides traceability at the level of assignments, case assignment time, solution time, all generated through customized and automated reports with the detail of cases and response and solution time. 


GenesysOneis a solutionforcapturingbothbiographical and biometricfingerprintinformationfortheformationof a uniquedatabaseofpeople.

The end result of an enlistment is an encrypted file containing all the information collected. Allowing easy integration with any database manager.

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