Taking The Dialogue Forward On Mental Health and Its Improvement!

Mental health and what it can do for a person’s holistic development is something none of us understand. Let us try to find a few ways to improve the state our minds are in.


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Mental well-being is the essential part of our existence, yet people do not give it even half the consideration it deserves.

You can be physically strong, but if your mental health is not as strong, you would always be a step behind everyone else.

There are over 800,000 suicides every year in the world.

The number of people who suffer from depression, a severe mental disorder, is at an overwhelming 264 million.

There are close to a billion people in the world who have experienced a kind of mental disorder.

Do these numbers not shock?

They stunned me speechless.

And let me tell you there are many cases with mental illnesses that are not even reported because people think that our minds’ well-being is not that big a deal.

Going to an expert is not something a considerable proportion of patients feel like doing. They think that going to a shrink means that there is something wrong with their brains and do not want that tag.

You should understand that your life will automatically come on track when your mental health is at its prime.

If you think going to a doctor is not something you are willing to do, then take my advice and start implementing the information I am about to give you into your life.

Never Isolate Yourself

People flourish more when they surround themselves with other people. Isolating oneself from the people who are close to you and bottling up whatever you are feeling inside is one of the significant reasons for deteriorating mental health.

People need to understand that when they share their problems with people who are willing to listen, they would also be prepared to find a solution to the problem.

Speaking from personal experience,

My sister was facing a huge financial setback, so she was unable to repay her loan obligations.

We hardly ever saw each other, so, she never once told me about her situation.

When I came to visit her, watching her interact with our family, I could tell something was off, she was not herself.

When I forcefully asked her, I realised how much trouble she was in. She was taking sleeping pills because her stress would not let her have a sound night’s sleep. And her drinking had gone way out of hand.

I gave her as much money as possible and made her get bad credit loans online that offered instant decision to help her pay some of her debt back.

I still regret not knowing what my sister was going through, and imagining what could have happened if I had not intervened even haunts me.

Yes, the sufferer may find it difficult to share his problems, and seeking isolation would always seem more comfortable than seeking help, but you have to open up.

Avoid Staying Idle

It is often said that an idle mind is a devil’s workshop, which is the absolute truth.

People who have a lot of free time on their hands often overthink and complicate a situation beyond repair.

You must have noticed that you never really give much thought or attention to your problems when you are extremely occupied. This is because you do not have the time for it.

And that is what you need to do.

Not addressing a problem is not a solution, but continuously going over it not a solution.

Overcoming a break up becomes extremely easy when you are always on the go.

Going to the gym every day for a few hours,

Indulging in a yoga class,

Giving your best at your workplace,

Having get-togethers with your friends and family;

All of these are going to fill the void that your failed relationship left behind. And then, moving on becomes more comfortable than before.

Extricate Yourself for a While

Often, a problem becomes too much to handle, and then, you cannot do anything to make it better, apart from making your mental well-being worse.

These situations can happen anywhere, be it your personal life or your professional world.

Continuing to face a problem that you know is never going to go away will only hit your self-esteem and make your mind a complex web of labyrinths that can never unwind.

Staying in an abusive relationship because you will you deserve that;

Working with a boss who does not appreciate you because of your gender;

Being in touch with your parents who do not accept your sexuality;

These are just a few scenarios that will only make your mental state and never add to making it healthier.

Some people would say that extricating oneself from a situation rather than facing it head-on is running away. However, I believe otherwise. In my opinion, removing yourself from an unfair and immoral situation is equivalent to liberating yourself.

And that liberation will be the start of your recovery.

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