Supporting Your Loved One Through ADHD 

Tips Tricks

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When someone you know has been diagnosed with ADHD, you might initially feel overwhelmed about it. Though there is no comparison to how the person might be feeling, being one of their close ones might also strike you. 

It becomes essential to be their support system in times like these, even by bringing about small changes. However, you may not know how to do so. Below are a few tips on how you could support your close one in navigating through their ADHD journey. Tulsa Counseling could also assist your loved one in doing so smoothly. 

  • Educate yourself  

Not everyone is entirely aware of what ADHD is. It is more than just a lack of focus and hyperactiveness. To understand what your loved one is going through, knowing what the condition means and everything about it is essential. Read articles and books on the topic. Speak to the doctor your loved one goes to, recognize the issues that they are having, and clear your doubts, if any. This will let you empathize better and provide support accordingly.  

  • Assist them in seeking help. 

Any day, professionals can help a person with ADHD the best. Speak to your loved one to get their treatment and assist them. When bombarded with excess information, it can feel overpowering for them to find the right ones. So pitch in to list out a few based on their needs. Remember that ADHD is treated through medicines and therapy. This means they might need a doctor, a psychiatrist, and a psychologist for this. Additionally, also help them find self-help resources and support groups. 

  • Communication is key 

When dealing with such cards, the person most needs a reliable and sympathetic listening ear. Remember to be patient and compassionate while also being genuine and accepting of them. As they share with you their emotions and thoughts through various incidents during the day, try not to feel irritable about it. Remembering that your loved one is more than just the disorder does great good. While reminding them of their incomplete chores, be gentle instead of harshly complaining. Also, try to communicate your concerns so they can see the care and intent behind your actions. 

  • Highlight their strengths

One of the best things to do when someone feels low is to remind them of the positive aspects of life and themselves. Considering this, try to constantly remind your loved one of their strengths and praise them for them. This will help them shift their perspective from the disorder and its ill effects to the goodness within them. Motivating them to do tasks related to their positives could be a great way to stir up their mood and build self-confidence. 

  • Encourage them to build a routine. 

For a person with ADHD, it might be challenging to focus because of feeling overwhelmed constantly. In such a case, a routine could help them greatly. This will guide them on what is at hand for the day, reduce their intense feelings by limiting themselves to certain activities, and help them do more comparatively. Also, visually perceiving something as completed will give them a sense of accomplishment, little by little. 

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