Still Not Winning At Rummy? You’re Making These Rookie Mistakes


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Rummy is a game of skill and intelligence. At first glance, it may look like an easy enough card game to learn and play. But if you are not well-versed with its rules, you may find yourself falling short of winning games and making the same mistakes over and over again.

While there are obvious mistakes that even expert Rummy players make and really anyone can, most blunders are the ones easily avoidable. They are quite common mistakes most beginners and even seasoned players make. You can avoid them with a bit of understanding, awareness, and focus.

No Practice, No Gain

The most common mistake players make when it comes to Rummy is jumping headfirst into cash games without adequate practice. Paid games where cash rewards are involved will have like-minded experienced players willing to do everything under the sun to win. You cannot expect to go in and win at such a game after learning the rules and playing a handful of games for practice.

You need to practice a lot more before you enter paid games. You can practice for free on your desktop or mobile applications until you are confident enough to enter the ring with the big boys. You will just need to search for rummy game download, install the app, and practice as much as you can. You can even organize games with family and friends to get a feel of a real game. These will allow you to experiment with techniques and devise plans that work the best for you.

Holding Out On Cards

We’ve all been there. The perfect set is in our minds, we have all the cards for it except one. We refuse to make other sets with those cards. We wait for the perfect set. And the opponents declare and we lose. That is a Grade A rookie mistake people commit.

It’s understandable that you’d want a perfect set of high-value cards, especially when you’re so close. But high-value cards are hard to come by, hence those sets are relatively rare compared to low or middle-value ones. This is why you need to understand that you will have to let go of some cards that are nothing but dead weight to your success. Letting go cards that were holding you back will result in more space for newer opportunities.

How do you know that it is time to dispose of a card? See for how long it has been sitting in your hands. If it is more than 4 turns, it’s time to let go.

The Missing Pure Sequence

A pure sequence in the game of Rummy is a group of 3 or more cards of the same suit placed in consecutive order. It may sound stupid to have a game without a pure sequence but a shocking number of beginners miss out on it. It should be noted that a pure sequence is one that does not have Jokers or any wild cards in it.

When we put that into the equation, it becomes a tad tricky. Because we heavily rely on those kinds of cards to complete our sets. Which is why it is important to make a pure sequence first thing in the game. You cannot win without it.

High-value cards

It is said for high-value cards, i.e., 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace, that they are double-edged swords. While they yield great rewards in sets, they are ticking time bombs in your hand. When they are left unused in your hand, you are in great danger of losing points if your opponents declare.

The wisest thing to do is to discard them if they aren’t coming to fruition after a few turns. This serves two purposes: saving you from losing points in case of a declaration and it baits your opponent into picking them up to make their sets. This will set up a great opportunity for you to declare and trap them.

Arrange Your Hand

Most players are surprised at the idea that the simple act of arranging the cards in your hand can make a huge difference. Players usually start off their game as soon as they are dealt a hand, thinking they’ll catalog the cards in their minds as they go along. It is a big mistake on your part if you do so.

Just arranging your cards by color and suit can clear the clutter off your mind, leaving it to strategize as it pleases. Your cards are arranged already, every new card will already have a place to go into your hand. It will make things exponentially easier for you!

Additionally, matching and comparing different sets beforehand will yield you the best possible combinations. It will help you in starting your game off on a strong foot. Do not shy away from basic mathematics and compare set values to know your best bets.


Almost all rookie players struggle with the declaration. Sometimes you have a few cards holding you back, sometimes you are outsmarted by your opponent or sometimes simply tricked by them.

The simple answer to this problem is vigilance and patience. You need to be on the lookout as to what your opponents are doing to know how close they are to winning the game and where you stand in that respect. Learn to let go of cards that don’t serve you any purpose and pick the ones that will prove beneficial. 

This sense of understanding of the game only comes with practice and perseverance. You cannot expect yourself to be the master of the craft in a game or two. It takes time and that is alright.

Part of the journey is learning and experimenting with various techniques that work and don’t work for you. Your focus should always be on declaration while you are ahead of the game. Always keep an eye on your enemies and don’t be shy to fish them around if you have to. Keep practicing and never forget to enjoy yourself as you climb up the ladder.

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