Skills Kids can Learn from Playing Outside

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When I was a kid, I spent most of my time outside playing. These days, kids spend more and more time indoors with their devices. This is a shame because there are so many skills that they could be learning from being outdoors. I mean, look at all the gifts for outdoorsy kids you can purchase! In this article, we will discuss important skills that children can learn from playing outside.

Use Their Imagination

Playing outside encourages kids to use their imaginations. They can play with sticks and rocks, build forts out of wood and grass, or they can pretend that a pile of dirt is chocolate cake! Whatever the case may be, playing outdoors allows children to express themselves through imagination. This creativity teaches them how to think outside the box and be resourceful.

Physical Activity

Kids need to exercise every day! They can run, jump and climb when they play outside, which allows them to get their hearts going and promote a healthy lifestyle. Physical activity is essential for kids because it keeps their bones strong and helps prevent obesity early. Not only that but physical activities like running, jumping, and climbing improves their cardiovascular health.

A Fresh Perspective on Life

There is nothing like spending time outside to give kids a fresh perspective on life. They can observe the birds flying around them, smell the flowers swaying in the wind or feel how soft grass can be. All of these experiences help kids appreciate what they have.

Make New Friends and Memories

Playing outside with other children helps teach kids how to socialize and make new friends. They can play team sports, work on collaborative projects or run around together. Whatever the case may be, spending time outdoors allows them to create memories that will last a lifetime!

An Open Mind Towards New Things

Playing outside encourages kids to be curious about their surroundings. They can learn how different insects move, where the trees get their leaves, or even how water flows down a riverbed! Playing outside helps children develop an open mind towards new things, allowing them to experience what life has in store for them fully.

A Better Sense of Direction

Spending time outside gives kids a better sense of direction. They can learn how to find the north without using a compass, they can understand what the sun does throughout the day, and they can even develop their internal compass! These skills come in handy, especially if children are lost or need to navigate somewhere new.


Outdoor activities teach kids how to be confident. They can learn that they are capable of climbing a tree or riding their bike without training wheels! Not only that, but these activities also require kids to try and fail, which helps them build up the confidence needed for them to succeed.

A Deeper Appreciation for Nature

Children spending time outdoors allows them to appreciate nature more fully. They can see the flowers blooming, they can feel how the wind moves through their hair, and they can even sit still for a little while to listen to the birds chirping! These experiences help children develop gratitude towards nature which is a wonderful thing to learn at an early age.

New Experiences are Great for Anyone

No matter the age, everyone should try to go outside at least once a day. It is important because it teaches children life skills that they can use for their futures. Not only that but it also provides them with new experiences which are great for anyone!

Learn to Take Care of Themselves

Another thing that children can learn from playing outside is how to take care of themselves. They can build their forts, they can ride bikes without training wheels, and they can even start a fire! These life skills help kids become more independent, which comes in handy if there’s an emergency.

Develop Independence and Confidence 

Playing outside helps kids learn independence and confidence. It allows them to explore their surroundings, meet new friends who share the same interests as they do, and teach them how to take care of themselves! There are plenty of skills that can be taught by playing outside, which makes getting children involved in outdoor activities invaluable.

Explore the World Around Them 

Spending time outside helps kids explore the world around them. They can climb trees, run through fields and play with all kinds of animals! Kids learn what the sun does throughout the day and how nature changes from season to season – these experiences help children gain a deeper understanding of their surroundings which is an invaluable life skill.

Practice Counting Skills by Playing Tag

Lastly, playing outside helps children practice their counting skills. They can play games that require them to count how many times a ball was passed or even learn what the weather is going through in the process of elimination! These numbers help kids have fun while encouraging them to focus, which will come in handy as they grow older and start school.

The benefits of playing outside are endless, and we hope that this article has encouraged you to take your kids out, even if it is just for a walk! Remember to keep an eye on the weather and dress appropriately. Make sure they’re wearing sunscreen and staying hydrated as well. If there’s one thing we know about children, it’s that they love spending time outdoors – so help them enjoy these carefree moments by finding activities like gardening or biking together.

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