Sinusitis Symptoms and Treatment Options


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Sinusitis occurs when the tissues lining your sinuses are inflamed or swollen. Sinuses are located in the bones between our eyes, and they’re mostly hollow spaces. They’re also found behind the cheekbones and forehead.

While sinusitis is a fairly common illness, it can potentially have serious effects. That’s why it’s important to know when you have to seek treatment. For this, we need to ascertain the symptoms and see what method is best for regaining health. Let’s have a look at the various symptoms and possible treatments. 



All that pressure can cause really bad headaches. You’d know they’re sinus-related due to their location; at the front of your head or forehead. The pain might also spread to other places, such as the neck. 

Pressure and Pain

In sinusitis, the sinuses fill up with fluid. This can cause a lot of pain and pressure, especially when someone or something touches that particular area. The pain might also include tooth pain and general fatigue. 

The pressure part may feel like you have to sneeze constantly but without the actual sneezing. The pain might also be around the nose, eyes, cheeks, or forehead. When you bend over, the pain gets worse. At times, this pain might be enough to prevent proper sleep. 


Sinusitis patients often have a fever, which means that their body is working to fight off an infection. The fever might be high but you should seek medical help if it lasts for more than three or four days. You may also feel other related fever-like symptoms, such as exhaustion, muscle aches, and chills. It’s wise to seek out a sinus doctor near Shelton if things get too bad. 


The fluid inside the sinuses makes them a breeding ground for fungus, viruses, and bacteria. With all this buildup and the inflammation to boot, you’re likely to feel congested. 

Postnasal drip

This refers to the mucus that drops from our nose to the throat. It can make your throat feel hoarse or congested. You’d also feel pressure in the mouth or throat. 

Treatment Options

While several other symptoms might also signal sinusitis, the ones above are enough to warrant proper action. Here are just a few of the treatment options for such situations: 

  • Try out some natural remedies to treat sinusitis. Here’s one effective remedy: place a warm compress on the sinus area, which will help to loosen the fluid trapped inside and ease the pressure
  • Try a sinus rinse or nasal wash. This includes a neti pot or saline spray. These are easily available from online platforms and local drugstores
  • Take antihistamines for soothing inflammation
  • A nasal decongestant spray might help to relieve pressure by clearing up the sinuses. However, decongestants aren’t meant for long-term use without the specific instructions of a doctor
  • If you choose to see a doctor, they might prescribe steroids to help out. The exact prescription will depend upon whether the condition is a viral or bacterial infection
  • If all else fails, some doctors might recommend surgery for chronic sinusitis. This involves moving the bones to open up the sinuses or fix any bone problem around these cavities 
  • The reason behind sinusitis can also be nasal polyps which might require surgery to remove. Fortunately, most surgeries for dealing with sinusitis are simple outpatient procedures. So, you can probably go home the very same day. 

The Takeaway

Keep in mind that sinusitis might develop after a cold. But it tends to last much longer. The symptoms may also go away for some time, and then, they might come back. So, stay alert if natural remedies don’t work. If your symptoms aren’t improving after ten days, or the pain is too intense, consult a doctor as soon as possible. Trust your instinct; you might need antibiotics to get completely well. 

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