Significance of masks in today’s society

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Masks are a very important component of todays society. As we all know that because of rapid increase in industries the pollution has reached an alarming rate. For your health safety wearing a mask is a very common necessity of today’s society.

As we all know about the ongoing pandemic the situation is very complicated and the only way to avoid the ongoing pandemic is to follow the SOPS and that includes wearing a surgical facemask or a kn95 mask. 

Study says that if you are wearing a mask the chances of you getting infected by the on-going virus are about 70 percent less and if the person infected with virus as well as you are wearing a mask then only 2 percent chance of getting infection is there.

There are several types of masks in market now a days that are cheap and expensive depending on their quality and stuff that is used to make them. The most commonly used masks are surgical face masks, cotton cloth mask and the KN95 mask.

The surgical masks are light weight and easy to breath they are created by knitting 3 layers of fibres together that stops various particles and pathogens from spreading.

They are very cheap and easily available anyone can buy them with a small amount of money. These masks are available at pharmaceutical companies and as the spread of corona virus increased many shopkeepers started selling them too.

These masks are light are easy to breath too but they don’t give 100 percent protection against the viruses and pollution causing dust particles.

Another type of mask that are very commonly used by people are the cotton cloth masks. These masks give no impressive protection against the bacteria and viruses they are only good against big dust particles. These masks are mostly used for the protection from sun or dust particles or as a fashion because they are a trend now a days.

The best mask against this ongoing pandemic is the KN95 mask. This is mask that stops almost up to 97% of the harmful bacteria, pathogen, virus and dust particles. It has two types that is N95 and the other is KN95.

It consists of two basic types of respirators for air filtering and for air supplying. The air filtering respirators stops harmful bacteria and contaminants as well as viruses and the air supplying give the user clean air to breath from an air tank. 

The air filtering respirators are commonly used by the masses. It consists of multiple layers of non-woven fabric combined together the fabric used for making them is polypropylene. It is combined by multiple fabric layers and a filter layer in the centre as well.

This makes it a perfect protector against the harmful bacteria and viruses but it is comparatively hard to breath in these masks as compared to the surgical masks.

The KN95 masks are certified by doctors and scientists regarding their protection against corona virus.

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