Should You Part out Your Car or Sell It as a Whole?


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When your car becomes junk that needs tons of repairs and maintenance to be able to use it again, there is not much you can do about it unless you are willing to spend your budget fixing it. 

However, what you can do is choosing between the only two logical options that will save you a lot of headaches and troubles, you either sell the vehicle as a whole or part it out to sell every part by itself.

While many people think that to sell any car in Dubai as a whole is a quick and smart thing to do, some people have the needed knowledge, skills, and time to dismantle their vehicle in order to benefit from every valuable piece to get more money.

To help you decide what you should do, we are going to ask some questions related to the car so you can figure out what is the most suitable option for your situation.

Let’s dive in.

  • Do You Know How To Disassemble a Car?

Being a car owner or even a gear head is not enough to do such a complicated thing as parting out your car, when doing this by yourself you need to have a whole understanding of everything related to the vehicle as well as owning the needed tools like a cherry picker,  floor jack, and other hand tools.

You should understand how to disassemble and reassemble as well as being familiar with every part, and most importantly to know the price of each piece.

Not to mention that parting out your car by yourself can have many risks because you are dealing with sharp portions, fluids, metal edges, and many other pieces that require special skills and caution to be handled just right or you will end up having severe injuries.

On the other hand, this is not always the case, if you are lucky enough, you will find some buyers that have these skills and knowledge and are more than glad to bring their own tools to remove the piece that they want by themselves, so it is not going to be such a big deal if you don’t know how to manage this, and it is no more crucial to have neither the tools nor the skills to tear the car.

  • Do You Have Spare Time?

Knowing how much time you are going to spend when dismantling your car is one important thing to consider before getting yourself involved because it is really a long and tiring process.

Sometimes you will find buyers fast and make your deal quickly and everything is rosy, but sometimes you might not, and the selling can take months and even years for you to sell every piece of the vehicle.

Not to mention that the process itself will consume much effort and energy from you because every portion of the car will need a whole selling process by itself, from removing it, writing a good description about it, to finding the proper buyer, and making the deal with him/her.

So if you are not the kind of person that is ready to make such a long commitment to this decision then I think you should give up this idea.

  • Do You Have Enough Space in Your Property?

Due to the long process of parting out a car, you should make sure that you have enough space in your garage or property to park the old car and make sure that there is enough space for the new one too, as well as more space to keep the parts that you pulled them out.

However, if you don’t want to buy a new vehicle, then this is not going to be such a problem for you and you can park the old car in your garage as long as it takes to finish parting it out and selling all the pieces.

  • What Is the Condition of Your Car?

If your car is really old and has one or two major damages then finding someone to buy it as a whole can be a challenge, but if your car is in a good condition, you will certainly find someone who is going to find value in it and buy it from you as a whole.

On the other hand, if you have made any upgrades on some parts of the car, then the vehicle parts are worth a lot of money and they will attract many car owners who like to make modifications to their cars.

If these parts are luxurious such as the battery, wheels, radio, air conditioning system, then they are going to bring car owners quickly for they are a real treasure for them, plus they are going to make you a fortune.

  • So What Is Better for You?

Parting out a car is environmentally friendly because you are extending the life cycle of the pieces, and the money thing is an upside too, I mean, tires alone can gain you more than the junkyard will offer for the whole car!

However, since you are the best one to know the condition of your car, whether will someone benefit from buying it or not, you should put into your consideration everything you care about the most to act upon it.

Is it the money that you care the most about? Or is it your time and energy?

Are you ready to put all of your efforts if you are concerned about the environment or you are not ready for such obligation?

Do you have enough patience to deal with different buyers every time you will sell a piece or do you have not?

Keep in your mind that when a vehicle reaches the end of its life, the car value changes, so try to be realistic when estimating the price for each part, or for the car as a whole.

Parting your car can really make a pile compared to selling it as a whole, but keep in mind that many other factors take a role in this such as the type of your car, its age, condition, and many others.

If you are selling the car because you really need a good amount of money then parting it out is your go-to, but if you want to make quick money or just get rid of it to buy a new one then selling it as a whole sounds like a better solution for your case.

Author: Sultan Asad from We Buy Cars DXB

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