Sex During Pregnancy? Yes Please! Pregnant Porn is Here to Help


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Truly. If you’ve ever wondered the best way to get down while you’ve got a bun in the oven- pregnant porn can show you the ropes. 

One of the most rewarding and beautiful experiences for a woman is to be a mother. Pregnancy is that stage where your skin shines; you are radiant, you give off happiness on all four sides and you look absolutely adorable. Next to giving life, pregnancy is an unimaginably exceptional stage in life- but is not exempt from its own flurry of ups and downs. With so many little details to take into account, to live it fully and not neglect any aspect of these precious moments, can sometimes seem incredibly overwhelming. 

Surely you’ve noticed that incredible anticipation, growing each day aside your little one. The feeling of expansiveness, and love. And also the swollen feet, aching back, and painful, swollen, breasts. Feeling sexy and being pregnant are necessarily two peas in a pod. With rushes of wild hormones, you definitely get the itch for love, but it’s rare that your craving matches your motivation. Also- things can get a bit complicated when it comes to doing the deed and supporting new life. There aren’t really many instructional videos, and sometimes asking your friends and family feels a bit… awkward. Luckily, the pornography industry (and millions of preggo fetishists) are here to help. 

“Pregnancy pornography is a more common fetish than people think. There are many reasons why it exists, pregnant women often have more hormones during pregnancy and in addition, pregnancy can show a commitment to family that many people find immensely attractive,” Porndoe says, the company is devoted to catering to erotic need, through psychological understanding. “Pregnancy porn is for everyone. Men and women, pregnant and not. Finding it isn’t an issue- getting past the stigma is.”

Horny Little Hormones

As they say, because of the amount of hormones generated by pregnancy, your sex life can sometimes feel like it’s falling apart. But, during pregnancy, you have a period of peak sexuality that is worth taking advantage of. A great way to get all of those crazy hormones working in your favor is to use them! While it is important to mention that sex is good as long as it is consensual and pleasant- it is totally safe for you and your baby. So relax and enjoy. Unless (of course) your doctor prescribes otherwise.

A large percentage of parents are afraid of harming their baby during sex. But guys and gals need not sweat- because there’s a ton of excellent ways to satisfy your crushing need to get it on, and keep everything safe and sound in the process. In pregnant porn, you can watch nearly unlimited videos that can give you a better idea of which positions to try, and which to leave for after the dust settles. Of course, you can also count on the visuals to add that little extra level of naughty- for you and your partner. Not only that, but pregnant porn can help normalize the idea of sex during this time, and as it turns out- it’s actually pretty good for you. 

Healthy, Happy, Pregnant and Pleased 

Exercise is good for generating endorphins, keeping extra weight at bay, helping you rest better and keeping you agile and healthy during pregnancy. Which are all super important aspects when it comes to the overall wellbeing of you and your babe. What better form of exercise than sex? The hormones that are already pumping can create an extra feeling of closeness to your partner. Not to mention that most sex is of fairly short duration and low impact- both ideal ways of “working out” while pregnant. 

You also have the benefits that orgasms offer for you and your baby. Yes, you read correctly- the orgasm has benefits for you and your baby’s health. Women who have orgasms during pregnancy benefit from calming hormones and increased cardiovascular blood flow, and those benefits are passed on to the baby. With the help of the postures you’ll see in pregnant porn, you can get a better idea of which positions best adapt to your body’s changes. Since every woman is unique, what one can endure and enjoy- can cause discomfort to another. So take your time and play around a bit. Find out which suits you and your partner best. 

(Baby) Bump-y Ride

For a ton of women, changes in the body, result in some loss of natural lubrication.  Foreplay and sharing a pregnancy porn session with a partner can help stimulate your lubrication naturally. Lube is always always a great option. For some women- there is also the opposite “problem”, where women will lubricate more than normal.  Oftentimes, this is because the body produces an increase in secretions, mainly to fight bacteria, but might also provide the added benefit of improving your sexy sessions.

Also, during pregnancy your body experiences changes every day, week, and month. So your sensations could be different from one sexcapade to another. This is a good time to take advantage of every change by spending some solo time downstairs, and getting comfortable with what feels good in that moment. Another awesome/odd perk to pregnancy is that due to higher estrogen levels and increased blood flow to your bits, pregnant women can have wet dreams and amazing orgasms while snoozing away. 

So, while pregnancy definitely comes with its bumps, the ride is extra excellent- so never be afraid to get yours, and when in doubt? Check out some preggo porn with your partner. You won’t be sorry, and we won’t tell.

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