Secrets To Get A Book Published Worldwide By Best Publishing House

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Writing is hard; getting it published is harder! It takes a whole lot of patience, luck, and attention to detail to sell a book to the right publisher. But, thanks to all the self-publishing houses in India, today, passionate writers can land a book deal even without having industry contacts.

Yes, you heard it right! There are a plethora of options available in India for writers to get their books published and make them available worldwide. However, choosing the perfect publishing home for a book is a considerate task, especially for new writers.

So, if you are looking forward to essential details on how to get a book published by the best publisher, you are in the right place. Here’s everything you need to know!

Read More about: How To Get Published Worldwide By A Top 5 Publishing House

List Of Top Publishing Houses In India 

  1. Orange Publishers

Orange publishers is one of the top publishing book houses in India. Having over three decades of experience in the publishing and printing industry, they help you with everything you need to become a published author. 

  1. Blue Hill Publications

Blue Hill is a highly responsive and committed publishing company that beginners can put their trust in. From publishing the book to boosting its online visibility, they offer a wide range of services to help writers rise to the occasion.

  1. Orient Blackswan

Orient Blackswan is one of the A-listed publishing houses in India for academic, professional, and general work. Their ‘Gulmohor’ series of English-language school books have been quite popular. 

  1. HarperCollins Publishers

HarperCollins Publishers LLC is the leading English-language publishing company. They have already completed 25 years of operation in India. Renowned authors like Paulo Coelho, Dalai Lama, and Amitav Ghosh are associated with this publication.

  1. Penguin Books India

Penguin Books is the largest English language trade cum publisher in India. Known as a professional publishing company, they deal in a variety of books in different sections, including travel, business, lifestyle, children’s books, and a lot more.

Though their target language is English, they also publish in Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, Gujarati, and Urdu.

How To Choose The Best Publishing Company For Your First Book?

Finding the perfect publishing house for the first book is pretty crucial. After all, the partnership between a writer and publisher defines the value of a book in the market. 

Mentioned below is the list of factors that you should consider before associating with any publishing company:

  • Publishing time
  • Royalties and profit you will receive as an author
  • Publishing standard – quality of paper, type of binding, etc.
  • Cost of publishing
  • Ownership & Copyrights
  • Quality of editing. book cover design, and marketing
  • Distribution options
  • Print-on-demand option

Top Secrets To Get A Book Deal

There is an enormous number of writers in India looking forward to making their book a worldwide publication. Nevertheless, not everyone knows how to get a book published for the first time or how to get a book deal. The lack of knowledge often leads to rejection of their proposals or manuscripts by editors. But don’t worry; here we have unveiled secrets to boost your chances of getting a book deal. Check out!

#1. Bulk Up Your Concept

The concept is the heart of your book. So, never send a proposal or project with a weak or inappropriate concept. Instead, make sure to strengthen your concept with a clear vision, focus, and intensity. Any new idea or a fresh point of view coming directly from your heart will surely captivate editors as well as readers.

#2. Send A Complete And Convincing Proposal/Manuscript

As an aspiring author, you should know the importance of self-marketing. While sending the proposal, don’t forget to include two-three sentences that will hook the editor on what the book is about and why you are the perfect writer to write it. 

In addition to your education, experience, and track record, you should present sparkling examples of your work to flaunt your uniqueness.

#3. Polish Your Writing To Excellence

What makes the book best-seller? Of course, the best opening, satisfying style, powerful description, diverse and developed characters, effective dialogue, strong story logic, sense of originality, and perfect grammar! So, before hitting the send button, validate that all such stuff is fixed in your writing. 

#4. Come Up With The Strong Marketing Plan

To give your book the best chance of success, writers, especially the new ones, should come with a strong marketing plan. This can be anything from starting blogging, building a website, tweeting, or making a presence on social media. 

When you are committed to self-marketing and demonstrating it in your proposal, the prospective publisher ultimately gets attracted to your professionalism.

Final Words

All writers share one common dream: to get their book published and make it famous worldwide. Using the approach and tips mentioned above, you can easily turn your dream into a reality. So, what are you waiting for? Find the best publishing house in India now and get ready to wow readers with your magical words!

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