Screens and displays for Digital Communication

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Over the years, communication has undergone a strong evolution from paper to digital, and with it, technology has also evolved to create electronic devices capable of following its flow. In recent years, digital has made its way into a multitude of fields: in the advertising and communication area, everything that was analog or paper has been gradually replaced by electronic devices designed specifically for these purposes. Shopping centers, streets, cinemas, theaters, and many other places are now featured by a variable number of screens of all types: as a matter of fact, advertising and many other types of information signs are now digital. In all the environments that we usually frequent, indoors and outdoors, digital has made its big entrance. For instance, in physical stores, there is certainly no shortage of screens and displays that sponsor products or services. The same goes back for shopping malls, museums, and any other place that needs information or advertising signs. This is why, lately, the market of LED screens, LED display wall, and maxi screens has undergone a real surge. Today, many high-quality and reliable companies offer a great assortment of different products to meet the needs of as many customers as possible. Every screen serves a specific purpose and it is important to carefully evaluate your needs before purchasing one. Let’s have a look at the many types available on the market.

Led walls 

A LED wall is nothing more than massive luminous wall with high technological potential. It is indeed a screen made up by many modules joined together. These modules can also be called diodes, and they can offer high-quality images and an intense visual impact even in extremely bright conditions, direct sun, poor visibility, and adverse weather conditions. These screens have been specially designed to offer advertising and information services or to transmit high-definition images both indoors and outdoors. Furthermore, LED walls can transmit more or less dynamic images or videos of every kind, which can also be loaded with special effects

Led screens

Regular LED screens were not born as a substitute for paper advertising and information signs. However, they can still fulfill this purpose and offer a good degree of durability outdoors as well. As a matter of fact, they can be positioned outside without being affected by the weather and still offer great visibility. Obviously, led screens can also be employed indoors, as they can be created in the shape and size you prefer, according to the needs and the position where it will be placed.

Led totems

LED totems represent another effective solution in the field of digital communication. In fact, today you can purchase or rent one and use it as an advertising or informative sign. You can safely position it outdoors and, once again, enjoy great durability even in bad weather conditions.

The era of digital communication 

Over the years, digital communication has proven to be more and more attractive for consumers. As a matter of fact, users and consumers are used to deal with big screens and digital advertising, which turned out to be more effective in capturing their attention. This is due to the high resistance, brightness, and great visibility offered by led wall screens and other digital devices designed for this purpose. Today, whichever field you’re working in, investing in digital communication might be a crucial step in your communication strategy.

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