Raid shadow Legends Champions guide through LDPlayer


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Raid shadow legends are a complex game with some depth choices for gameplay and team building. It has so many mastery methods and gears within it, and every new player will see this game as overwhelming through its different aspects. This game is based on a fantasy world, and before deciding on something, you will have to face some devastating fate here. That is an ongoing feature holds by this game.

You can now download Raid Shadow Legends on PC to make the gaming experience a higher rank. When the game started after spending several minutes, it asks for you to choose one champion. There are four champions here, and seeing them is not enough to understand their mechanisms and the gameplay.

Use the lightest android emulator to get maximum advantages from these champions, and champions will work smoothly with this emulator. If you don’t know how to play them and which mechanisms these heroes are using, there will be no use of them rather than playing them as a role play. So here is the LDPlayer guide to know everything about your champions in Raid Shadow Legends.

Champion Selection

When you select one champion from all four champions, you have to consider which to choose as the first n your team. To this, you have to know your priorities first. Some champions work better for the early game, and some are vulnerable for gameplay development. As a first player, you have to choose a more useful hero to make a great fight at first.

Here are the four champions you can choose in the gameplay of Raid Shadow Legends to make a better start.


Elhain is an elf, and she belongs to the attack champions. You will see this character as annoying in introducing the game, but her skills are not worthy of dumping. You can identify Elhain as a powerful hero in the total game pay because she has excellent progress on her scales of fighting.

When talking about the abilities of Elhain, she is excellent for AOE as she can deal with substantial damage potentials to the enemies. And also, this hero can target her enemies very well. She targets single enemies and stabs them with great energy. Following are the abilities hold by the Elhain.

  • Keenshot

This is a single tartest attack done for the enemies, and it is a repeating one. Elhain repeats this, primarily when she deals with critical damage.

  • Lightning Arrow

Elhain’s lightning arrow is an attack that initially focuses on a single enemy a first. After it has been concentrated, it becomes responsible for shooting all the enemies. If the elhain’s first target dies, she gains a bonus of a crit rate for three turns.

  • Valley of death

Valley of death is known to be an AOE ability. It can target all the enemies out there twice.


Kael is a dark elf, and he is a well-known attack champion. He is going well with any selection, but most skills rely on the damages with time effects. Kael will not engage in more direct attacks. We cannot say that this champion is balanced as Elhain in the AOE and single targeting cases. But he is a perfect monster to deal with bosses in the late game.

These are the abilities hold by the Kael

  • Dark Bolt

This is a single target attack and has the potential to poison his enemies for two turns.

  • Acid rain

Dark Elf can damage enemies by this AOE attack, and when the opponents are killed, Kael gains a refill of 25% in his meter, and through that, he becomes more active than the other heroes.

  • Disintegrate

This is a semi AOE ability hold by the Kael, and he can target the opponents through this. And also, these opponents can be poisoned from this ability for two turns.


Galek is an Orc Attack champion, and he would be the best selection for the early game. Remember that Galek doesn’t execute the same as Elhain or Kael in the late game. So he is a perfect approach for the early game. Single attacking and the AOE abilities of Galek are similarly distribute over the Galek, and he has a gear balance on both of them. This champion has so many debuffs on his enemies so that he places massive damage on his enemies. We can identify the following abilities as Galek’s skills.

  • Cross Sash

Cross Slash is a single targeting ability, and it let the Galek perform attacks twice.

  • Hellraiser

This is an AOE skill, and it targets all the enemies. And also, this skill can buff the Galek by having two turns of speed.

  • Cursed Blade

By using this AOE skill, Galek enables to target n four enemies, and he has a chance to execute those enemies with some decreased defense. In case any of those opponents suffered from two debuffs o more, the cursed blade is applying an additional defense reducing to the Galek.


Athel is known to be a Telerian attack champion. This hero is the only one who has a self-buff with her at the start of the choices. But you should not choose this champion in cases for short and long term situations because she is the weakest one for them. When we consider the stats of Athel, those are not very much impressive as other champions, and she is an ability lack champion for the gameplay. Athel relatively lacks in damage dealing as well.

However, Athel also got some skills with her to the gameplay of Raid Shadow Legends.

  • Strike down

This single target attack is triple. It can inflict on weakening the debuffs for opponents in two turns.

  • Higher Blessing

Higher blessing is a self-buff, and it is for the increased attack. This skill is also designed to increase defense and extra turns as well if the champion athel is at 50% of health.

  • Divine Blades

The divine blade is an AOE attack, and it is simple. It can target all of the enemies in the gameplay.

If we take these all heroes, our best champion selection is the Elhain. But at the same time, Kael also an excellent class to choose from later parts of the game. If you want to do more damage and more farming, you can use the Galek because he is perfect for it. We do not recommend you to choose Athel because she is a reasonably weak champion in the whole game.

Best champions through LDPlayer

Champions can be earned through rerolls, and rerolls is not much interesting for every player. Because it takes a huge time and it makes you wait for a long time. But there is no assurance to earn the perfect hero as per your need. 

You are using LDPlayer, and there is a Multi-Instance Sync feature added for it to make you’re rerolling easier.

The Multi-Instance Sync feature lets all the players perform several rerolls simultaneously in one device by copying their emulators depending on the storage of their machines. So there is no more waiting and no more scare to earn a bad hero.


Raid Shadow Legends is an exciting game to engage with, and it let the players enjoy a vast area of fantasy. This scenario improves only by knowing the champions and take your eyes through this guide carefully by LDPlayer. Know these champions better and be wise with their choices.

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