Pulled Over on Suspicion of DUI? This Is What to Do


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About 30 people die in drunk driving accidents in the U.S. every day. That’s about one person every 50 minutes.

You might be someone who wants to know what to do when you get pulled over on suspicion of DUI. While DUI cases can be tough, there’s hope.

This article will go over different tips and actions that you can follow when you’re in this situation. Read on to explore these tips and actions in order to ease your DUI struggles today.

Pull Over in a Safe Spot

Keep in mind that if you’re under the suspicion of a DUI, a cop will pay attention to everything you do, including whether you pull over into a safe location. You can read more here about different DUI laws, and when it’s advisable to plead guilty.

Don’t slow down too fast, or drive erratically. Avoid stopping in an unsafe location.

Be Polite

Don’t be hostile, rude, or insincere, police officers will reward those who are respectful. If they feel you’re not being helpful, they might write an incriminating police report against you.

If they ask you to step out of the vehicle, do so. Be genuine and not too friendly since that can come off as fake.

Don’t Admit To Drinking

First, you must give the police office your car insurance details, registration, driver’s license, and name. If they ask you how much you have had to drink tonight, you don’t have to answer.

These conversations are recorded, so it’s best to avoid saying anything that’ll incriminate you. If you do admit to drinking, let them know over the course of what period you did drink.

Don’t Take a Chemical Test

Decline if the police officer asks you to take a urine, blood, or breath test. Breath tests are known to be unreliable with their results. Refusing to take the chemical test will potentially make you subject to a 1 year administrative license suspension.

If you are found to be drinking, you’ll be subject to this anyway. Keep in mind that if you do take the test and it’s above the limit, that doesn’t mean that you’re found guilty of a DUI.

Bail Out

If the cop handling a DUI places you in jail, bail yourself out. When you’re out on bail and behave, the prosecutor and judge are more likely to go easy on you.

Hire a Lawyer

Hire a DUI lawyer if you’re suspected of a DUI. Find a lawyer who will put in the hard work, and understands the local laws of a DUI. Before hiring them, ask them for a track record of DUI cases.

Also, it would be best if you could hire lawyers who practice their profession in your area to ensure easy accessibility to their services whenever needed. For instance, if you are from Orange County, you can look out for the DUI lawyers practicing in Orange County to get the best one on your case.

What To Do When You’re Pulled Over on Suspicion of DUI

Now that you’ve explored what to do when you’re pulled over on a suspicion of DUI, you should have a better idea of what to expect. Would you like to read more news online? For all of the top news stories of today, check out our other articles.

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