Proper tips to take good care of the car seat covers


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Usually maintaining seat covers and especially the neoprene seat cover reduces timely efforts on the behalf of owners. Spills very commonly happen in cars and whenever they happen the seats become messy. So, it is very much important to keep the car clean and free from all kinds of mess. For this, individuals can go with the option of some easy to do tips with the help of household products so that life of car seat covers can be constantly maintained.

 There are specific cleaning tips for leather as well as launching covers and have been mentioned as follows:

 –Cleaning tips for cloth seat covers:

 Many individuals take their cars to cleaning services whenever there is a small spill. But one can very easily take good care of the car seat covers at home only using the following things:

 -With the help of club soda: The individuals should go with the option of lightly spraying the club soda on the affected area with the brush so that whole stain can be scrapped away. After this, one can go with the option of wiping it with the help of a clean towel and there will be no stain on the seat.

 -With the help of baking soda solution: For this, one should go with the option of mixing 1/4 cup of baking soda with a cup of warm water. Then one should use the solution with the help of toothbrush so that scrubbing of the stain can be done and in case the stain is very tough to remove then one should leave the solution there only for approximately 30 minutes to see magical results.   

 -With the help of vinegar mixture: For this, one should go with the option of mixing a cup of vinegar with a few drops of dish soap and adding hot water in a bucket. After this, the mixture has to be applied on the stand with the help of brush so that scrubbing can be done effectively. After this one can go with the option of using the clean water to rinse off the whole seat.

 -By using the laundry detergent: In case the individual does not have proper access to the specific detergent or cleaner, then one can go with the option of mixing the laundry detergent with the help of water and can also dampen the stains with the usage of it. After this one can utilize a towel with cold water so that detergent can be rinsed off from the seat and stain can be scrubbed right way.

 –Cleaning tips for leather seat covers:

 The leather car seat covers need proper and extra care in comparison to all other types of materials. The neoprene car seat covers also require proper attention in the cases of stains.

 -Using the rubbing alcohol or nine polish removers: One can go with the option of removing the stain with the help of cotton ball which is kept in the rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover. After the stain has been removed, then one can clean the affected area with the help of warm water and soap.

 -With the help of non-gel toothpaste: It is considered to be a very unique technique of cleaning the stains with the help of gentle scrubbing by using a clean toothbrush and toothpaste.

 -Using the lemon juice and tartar paste: One can also go with the option of mixing equal proportions of lemon juice and tartar paste so that stain can be removed. In case the stain is tough to remove, then one can go with the option of leaving the solution there only for approximately 30 minutes and then one can wipe it with the help of a sponge. It should only be utilized on the seats which are of light colour.

 -The individuals can also go with the option of vinegar mixture because it is also a perfect solution for cleaning the leather seats.  Hence, several kinds of household items can also be used to clean the saddleman seat covers in cars and maintain their shine and looks as new. To increase the resale value, it is very important to maintain the seat covers.

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