Pro Ana Tips for Anorexia Nervosa [Lose Weight Fast]


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Hello to all Health fanatics, today we are going to share one of the most awaiting and great diet plan called “Pro Ana Diet Plan” and you will be introduced to all Pro Ana Diet Tips in this detailed guide on losing weight with Pro Anorexia. Everyone in this world right now surrounded by technology and we all knows that technology makes us lazy and laziness isn’t good for us because it allows bad life routine to enter in our life.

If you are worried about your health and other health related issues such as mental agony, headache, stress, anxiety, and all physical health issues because right now almost half of the generation in this world has tons of health issues which not only effect your mind related issues but weight gaining issues also comes in your life and you have to tackle with those health issues.

YES still we have some people who taking care of their health by running, exercising, every day as well as by having good food and at the same time they focus on home remedies and not only Docs prescription to be beneficial for their good health.

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Pro Ana Diet Tips for Anorexia Nervosa

There are tons of diet plan available in the market for lose weight fast, and you may heard about Pro Ana Diet and if you never heard about this fast weight lose diet plan then you need to try our Pro Ana Diet Tips which will give you fastest results ever because Pro Ana Diet Plan is a fast growing and aggressive diet plan for weight lose quickly and safely.

This Pro Ana Diet Plan has been gaining popularity and it gets viral in these days because this weight loss plan provides some amazing pro ana tips and tricks that you will get today in this article.

You must have seen a growth in the number of pro ana websites since the past few months, that shows that pro ana diet plan is a great diet plan, but what is the pro anorexia diet and what are some good pro ana tips should you consider if you want to follow the anorexia diet.

What is Pro Ana?

Pro Ana is a diet plan strategy that means promoting and favoring the anorexic diet or mimicking people behavior who are suffering from eating disorder called Anoirexia Nervosa. According to some people Anorexia Nervosa isn’t a disorder but lifestyle also call themselves members of the pro ana community.

What is Anorexia Nervosa?

Anorexia is an eating disorder where people get obsessed with losing weight and converting themselves into as thin body as possible. But the people suffering from anorexia nervosa never follow this diet but they do this because of the disorder.

Now a days, people have started following the anorexia diet to actually lose weight and get slim and fit fast and it is kind a risk free process. This is also known as “Thinspiration” that means inspiration to get thin.

How to Become Anorexic?

To follow this trend of anorexia path to lose weight isn’t an easy thing to do, it needs lot of dedication to follow the anorexic diet correctly and you can become slim by making this diet best out of it. Below we have added few things to keep in mind if you are really serious about pro ana diet and following it.

  • Dedication: It is not that easy to follow this pro ana diet as it looks like, you need to highly dedicated to achieve your goal, only then you can follow the anorexic diet correctly and expect good results from this diet plan. To stay dedicated towards your goal you can use different ways such as trying a rubber band on your arm, keeping a lucky charm to remind you why you started this diet, and keeping a picture of your crush.
  • Tracking Progress: Whenever you started any kind of diet, it is highly recommend that you should keep a track of your intake and outwards flow of calories. Tracking your diet can be highly effective and can help you achieve your goals faster than you would have ever achieved. There are so many ways to track your progress, from basic approach to just weighing yourself every day to using plenty of fitness tracking apps or use any wearable devices that can help you accurately count number of calories you are taking and burning.
  • Follow All Rules: Before starting any kind of diet, you should make your own rules based on real rules of that particular diet plan, so take your diary and write down all set of rules that you are going to follow throughout the diet. It is as important as you never stop eating because it is damn important. Never fall for the one bite won’t make me fat and later these words can destroy your diet plan completely.

Pro ana Anorexia Tips to Lose Weight Fast

  • Make your rules and never breaking them unless is the most basic advice that you have to follow if you want to lose weight fast and getting slim.
  • You need to drink lots of water and focus more on staying fit and looking good than just shedding weight.
  • Finish your meals quickly, as eating while doing something else might lead to overeating that can make you fat.
  • Do not confuse anorexia nervosa with this, if you are facing any kind of medical issue then leave everything and consult your doctor or therapist.
  • You need to prepare a list of bad foods that you will not eat for a certain amount of days and until you reach your goal.
  • Try to maintain the count of all the calories you eat, and this will helps you to stay self-aware and reach your weight lose goals faster.
  • Put up posts or pictures for inspiration and all those pictures should remind yourself what your target is stay motivated.

Pro Ana Diet Plan for Beginners Tips

Create Time Table

It is one of the most important and best way to start with Pro Ana Diet, and all you need to do is to set rules for you, according to your comfort where you didn’t hurt yourself but that time table will helps you to fulfill your small goals day by day. If you are truly ana, so you will have no issues for stick to that time table because you are stronger than your wishes of food and these time table rules will never make you feel let’s taste a small byte of sweet or something like that.

Track Your Calories

It is very crucial and most important task which you have to follow in this diet plan of pro ana because very less people understand the power of tracking your calories every time you eat something. With this habit, you can track what amount of calories you intake in the whole day. We recommend you to use any sort of gear or any app or there are so many online calorie measuring tools available in the market.

Drink Lots of Water (Must)

In any kind of diet plan, Drinking water is the must have habit that can enhance your weight loss results. You must have heard about that water is the best natural treatment to small illnesses in your body. Drinking water is one of the most important parts of anorexic diet and being hydrated will keep you full and it helps you to low up your intake of food.

It is proven that drinking water before taking your meals helps you to eat less because it fill your stomach and resulting in taking less amount of calories.

Taking Care of Breakfast Routine

You must heard about one topic about Breakfast is that, Breakfast is one of the most important meal in the healthy diet and it should be one of the best and full of vitamins, proteins, good fats, good carbs, and all healthy things should be added in your first meal of the day.

You may realize that you should always consume healthy breakfast because it helps a lot in making better eating decisions for the rest of the day. So you should never miss your breakfast, it will eventually help you to get slim.

Eat in Small Meals

Pro ana diet suggests that people on this diet plan should take different small meals instead of having big meals at once and not eating again in a single day and this is simple, that three 100 calorie small meals would be better than one 300 calorie meal.

It gives your body an illusion that you are having enough to keep your stomach full (including drink lots of water so you can fool your stomach that it is full with something and it will send a signal to your mind that your stomach don’t need anything).

You need to separate your three 100 calorie small meals because having 300 calorie meals in one time is not good for your body.

Increase Vitamins Intake

With this type of aggressive diet form, it is damn important to have vitamins and it is necessary when your body need it, but you need to first consult your doctor for the dosage of vitamins and never try to experiment with your vitamin pills or any other medicine because on both the ends, we know it’s quite harmful for anyone.

The best thing about Vitamins is that, it will also compensate for the less amount food you are eating by giving your body all the necessary things and avoiding fats and calories.

Avoid Bad Fats (Butter or Oil)

You will surely think that, I know that what is new in this? But my friend you should understand that Fats are important for our body but very few people know that which fat is good and which fat is bad for our body. It is very big topic but here we are sharing quick info about it but if you want to know about it, you can Read This Article and you will update your knowledge about Fats.

So avoid oily foods as much as you can because they make you fattier and it can destroy your pro ana diet plan and you may want to consult your doctor for your intake of food or more stuff like that.


We all should think that only doing physical activities such as exercising and running can helps you to lose weight but having minimum 7-8 hours of sleep also helps you to lose weight fast and it is proven fact which plenty of scientists proved this fact.

You have to give rest to your mind and body and take a good sleep of at least 6 hours or try to have 7-8 hours of sleep every day. A healthy sleeping routine is more important than anything else in ana diet plan because it helps you to going throughout the day easily. Less sleep give you tiredness and hunger, it even slow down your metabolism. So if you want successfully done your diet plan than make sure you sleep well.

Set Your Goals

Goals are most important thing to apply in this plan, you should set your small targets such as I will lose that much weight in this time period because via this process, you can achieve your goals faster than before.

Drink Black Coffee (No Sugar)

Do you know that drinking black coffee are good for appetite suppressant and it is recommend in all kind of weight loss diets, and it is quite good in Pro Ana Diet plan too. Try to drink black coffee only and don’t put too much of coffee because 1tbsp is enough for one cup for one person.

If you are looking for a luxury black coffee brand, then give Greenwell Farms a try. This coffee is made on the island of Hawaii and is one of the most delicious coffees I have ever tried.

Quick Exercise Plan for All Diet Fanatics

Here are the workout routines for Pro Ana Diet Users:

  • 30 Jumping jacks, 10 crunches
  • 35 Jumping jacks, 15 crunches
  • 40 Jumping jacks, 20 crunches
  • 45 Jumping jacks, 10 sit-ups
  • Break Day
  • 50 Jumping jacks, 15 sit-ups
  • 30 Crunches, 10 leg lifts
  • 55 Jumping jacks, 10 leg lifts
  • 60 Jumping jacks
  • 10 lunges (each leg)
  • Break Day
  • 15 Crunches, 10 Leg lifts
  • 20 leg lifts, 20 sit-ups
  • 15 min jogging in place
  • 10 lunges (each leg), 60 jumping jacks
  • Rest
  • And Repeat next day.
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