20 Most Popular Global Holidays in December 2022


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We become excited after hearing about festivals. Isn’t it true? Because we all love to celebrate festivals but especially the December Global holidays. One of the reasons for our happiness is that we celebrate these festivals at our workplaces. Another reason is that we get off from the office on the day of the festival and get the chance to celebrate the December Global holidays with our families. December is the last month of the year and is full of festivals around the world. You can say December is the happiest month of the year. Almost all places, cultures, and religions celebrate these holidays around the world in December. 

Today in this article, we will tell you about the global holidays that fall in December month. You will get to know the December Global holidays 2021 and December Global holidays 2022 in this article. Despite freezing weather in December, people still celebrate these festivals with much fun and love.

Below given is the list of popular December global holidays 2021 & 2022:

  1. Santa Lucia
  2. New Year’s Eve 2021
  3. Festivus
  4. Christmas
  5. Kwanza
  6. Yule
  7. Boxing Day
  8. Omisoka
  9. Asarah B’Tevet
  10. Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
  11. Feast of Immaculate conception
  12. Hanukkah
  13. World AIDS day
  14. National Car Donation Month
  15. National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention month (3D)
  16. National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
  17. Spiritual Literacy Month
  18. Universal Human Rights Month
  19. Worldwide Food Service Safety Month
  20. Youngsters on The Air Month (YOTA)

Santa Lucia

The celebration date of Santa Lucia is 13th December each year.

Santa Lucia was a lady, and she was an Italian Saint known for sacrificing her life as a martyr. After this, Santa Lucia is called the figure of light in the darkness. People of Italy and Scandinavia celebrate this on 13th December each year. People dress in white clothes and hold candles. 

Santa Lucia is celebrated each year to honour the lady, and it is one of the well-known religious festivals and holidays in December.

New Year’s Eve

The celebration date of New Year’s Eve is 31st December each year.

One of the biggest global celebrations is known as New Year’s Eve. It is the last day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. The New Year is celebrated on the 31st of December, and this day is also known as Saint Sylvester’s day or Old Year’s Day. People enjoy this December Global Holiday with emotions, delight, and joy on one hand and regrets plus sorrows on the other hand.

The way of celebrating New Year’s Eve is different and unique: Many people across the globe celebrate it by gatherings, and many people celebrate it by attending church at midnight by enjoying God’s blessings, traditional food and snacks. Most people from Spanish country bolt down a dozen grapes, signifying their fortunes and hopes for the next coming year.


The celebration date of New Year’s Eve is 23rd December each year.

Festivus is a festival celebrated by people who are against Christmas consumerism. In actuality, Festivus is not an actual festival. This festival is celebrated in the United States of America on 23rd December each year. People in the USA celebrate Festivus to end the expensive shopping done on Christmas. In starting, Festivus was criticized too much by people. But slowly-slowly Festivus caught its speed and now is being celebrated by many people. It is known as the traditional festival to celebrate each year.


The celebration date of New Year’s Eve is 25th December each year.

Christmas is celebrated worldwide on the 25th of December every year. Christmas is one of the most popular December Global Holiday and monumentalize the birth of Jesus Christ. According to the Scriptures, Jesus Christ’s birth is not known, and various researches show that Christ was not born in December month. But, Christmas is now more than a religious significance and is a part of the culture. That is the reason that non-Christians also loves to celebrate Christmas.

Christmas is celebrated by buying gifts for our family and friends and exchanging gifts. The Number of days between Christmas to New Year is known as the celebration week for the people. Decorating homes, giving parties, and visiting church are the part of Christmas celebration.


The celebration dates of Kwanzaa is from December 26 – January 1 each year.

Kwanzaa is a cultural festival, and it is celebrated to honour African values. Celebration dates of this festival are from December 26 – January 1. Kwanzaa festival was created by Dr Maulana Karenga after 1966. This festival is celebrated in the USA. Kwanzaa was recognized for the first time in Los Angeles, California, USA, during the Watts riots. Kwanzaa word is taken from the Swahili language. The meaning of the word Kwanzaa is ‘the first fruits.

As mentioned above, people celebrate Kwanzaa to honour African values. And this is done by dancing to African music, singing poetry, telling stories, etc. These are part of African culture. Kwanza pinnacles with a decorated feast called Karamu.


People celebrate Yule from 21st December – 1st January each year.

Yule (Yuletide), people celebrate this festival in Germany on 21st December of each year. This festival is celebrated to honour Norse God Odin. This is one of the oldest festivals because it falls on the winter solstice.

People in Germany celebrate this festival (Yule) by lighting a log with fire and by offering flowers to mother nature.

Boxing Day

People celebrate Yule on 26th December each year.

Fewer countries celebrate Boxing Day. Boxing day is a festival of the United Kingdom medieval ages. On that day, alms boxes were opened and distributed among the poor people. Since that day, this is followed by various countries on Boxing Day, and this festival has become a public holiday in the UK, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada.


People celebrate Omisoka on 31st December each year.

Omisoka is a festival celebrated by the people of Japan, and it is popularly known as New Year eve. People in Japan celebrate this festival by visiting temples at midnight and having long noodles in the bowl of Toshi Koshi- udon or Toshi Koshi- soba. This activity is part of the tradition of these people. 

Asarah B’Tevet

People celebrate Asarah B’Tavet on 14th December each year.

Asarah B’Tavet is a festival celebrated by the Jewish community by fasting, mourning, and repentance. People of the Jewish community tend to forgo food from day to night. People do prayers at the time of fasting to their Gods. People end the fast by spotting three stars in the sky.

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

People celebrate this festival from 9th December to 12th December each year.

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated by the Mexican Catholic community in December each year. In 1531, Mary appeared in front of a Mexican peasant named Juan Diego. Since that day, the Feast of Our Lady Of Guadalupe is counted as the most important festival for the Mexican community. A public holiday is announced on this festival day in Mexico. Mexicans celebrate this festival by erecting altars in their homes. Alters are made of a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe surrounded by flowers plus candles.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

People celebrate this festival on 8th December each year.

Christian people celebrate this festival to honour Mother Mary. This festival has been celebrated on 8th December each year. This festival is based on the concept of Mary without sinning. Well, you all know this festival happens in the liturgical season of advent (the day of preparation for the birth of Christ). Somehow, it has come to signify the concept of Mother Mary in the womb of her mother named St. Anne. 


People celebrate this festival from 28th November to 6th December each year.

Hanukkah is also known as Chanukah, and this festival is a Jewish festival. This festival is the festival of lights, and it has been celebrated for recalling the dedication of the Jerusalem temple after the Maccabean Revolt. It is believed like a miracle for these people and for the temple to get rededicated. People eat fried doughnuts filled with jam, potato cakes, etc. During the celebration. 

World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day has been celebrated on 1st December each year.

This festival was started in 1987 by Thomas Netter and James W. Bunn to bring awareness about AIDS in the world. This festival is celebrated worldwide, and it has been celebrated on 1st December each year. On this day, people visit and interact with people suffering from AIDS. Various governments organise various events on this day to spread knowledge about this disease and safe sex.

National Car Donation Month

The celebration date of this festival is (N/A).

You must be so interested to know about this festival. This festival is being celebrated to support our fellow beings in multiple ways. According to some sources, around 75,000 vehicles are donated each year in December. So, celebrities, citizens, and car dealers join together and select a vehicle for donation at this festival.

National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month (3D)

Since 1981, this festival is being celebrated to spread awareness about drunk driving and its problems like accidents.

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

This festival had been designated by the ex-president of the USA, Obama. This festival is celebrated to encourage the young generation to avoid drugs, alcohol, and other toxic substances by inviting educators, heal care professionals, and community leaders.

Spiritual Literacy Month

This festival is celebrated in approx. all countries of the world. The motive of this festival is to encourage people about spiritual literacy and to gain a broader understanding of cultural practices.

Universal Rights Month

This festival is celebrated to invite all the people together across the world to stand up for justice, the dignity of human rights, and equality.

Worldwide Food Service Safety Month

This festival has been celebrated to spread awareness about the danger of food contamination. And on how to cook the food properly.

Youngsters on The Air Month (YOTA)

This festival is celebrated to encourage the young generation to spend time on their hobbies.


So, above mentioned are the 20 December Global Holidays celebrated by people globally and depict the culture, beliefs, and happiness of people as well. You can feel that these festivals help us know the culture, history, and origins of various religions. And yes, these festivals drive us to medieval and ancient ages. We will suggest to our readers that please explore more about these festivals. And try to find out the true meaning of their history & region.

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