Organic hemp protein powder: surprising health benefits of hemp protein


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Derived from the hemp seeds, one of the best of nature’s superfoods, hemp protein is a prolific vegetarian source of protein. What makes it special is that it has all the 20 amino acids along with the eight essential amino acids that the human body needs to digest the proteins presen

Compared to other plant sources, the content of proteins in hemp seeds is highest. In just 100 grams of hemp seeds, you will find 32 grams of protein. Two proteins abundant in protein are edestin (up to 80%) and albumin. Moreover, hemp also has other nutrients like vitamins, healthy fats, and minerals.

When consumed by humans, hemp protein gets released very slowly, making it especially beneficial for bodybuilders who are keen on preventing muscle loss. Unlike many other protein sources, there is no issue consuming hemp protein at night. Hemp protein is available on the market in the form of protein. 

Process of manufacturing:

Industrial processing is used for extracting protein from hemp seed. The stress is on preserving the nutrients in the hemp seeds to the maximum extent. The seeds undergo treatment and then cold-pressed to squeeze out hemp seed oil. The process expels plenty of fat content from the seeds. The seek cake left is milled and sifted to make finely ground hemp protein powder.

Comparison of hemp protein with other plant proteins:

Apart from hemp, other plant-based proteins available in the market include soy protein, rice protein, pea protein, etc. Their amino acid profile makes them slightly different.

Pea protein and rice protein do not match up to hemp protein because of limited lysine and tyrosine content. Only the soy protein resembles hemp protein to an extent.

What makes hemp protein stand out is the fact that it is gluten-free, dairy-free, easily digestible, and usually organic. That hemp requires a negligible amount of pesticides and fertilizers for growing makes it devoid of any harmful substances.

Help in weight loss

A sedentary lifestyle and unabated consumption of unhealthy food lead to obesity in many people, making them prone to several skeletal and cardiovascular diseases. The fiber in hemp protein gives a feeling of fullness, reducing appetite. 

Regular consumption of dietary fiber brings down the risk of weight gain. The presence of fiber in your diet is responsible for the secretion of gut hormones and the reduction in the absorption of macronutrients, which is behind the feeling of fullness. 

Fibers also slash serum cholesterol and augment the quality of gut microflora. They also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, etc.

Prevent oxidative stress

Dietary components with anti-oxidant properties help in preventing oxidative stress and damage. They also reduce inflammatory diseases. Anti-oxidant properties also come in handy in preventing arthritis. Hemp meal hydrolysate is known for having antioxidant properties. Daily intake of hydrolysate minimizes the threat of several diseases caused by oxidative stress the body is subjected to.

Improvement in heart health

Healthy omega fatty acids in hemp protein powder are quite beneficial for anyone suffering from coronary heart diseases. Even the people free from such diseases can reduce the risk by consumption of protein powder. Hemp protein powder has omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids in a ratio of 3:1. 

For preventing cardiovascular diseases, treating post-myocardia infarction, and reducing chances of sudden cardiac death, omega-3 fatty acids are quite helpful. These also bring down the risk of strokes and assist in lowering cholesterol levels.

Anti-inflammatory properties in omega-3 fatty acids help prevent such damage to cardiac and vascular tissue. The presence of arginine in hemp protein also helps in the prevention of such diseases.

Reducing fatigue

Hectic lifestyle today often results in loss of productivity and motivation. You cannot do away with your busy lifestyle, but the least you can do is to consume dietary supplements. One such supplement which is known for lessening the feeling of fatigue is hemp protein. The anti-fatigue effect in the hemp protein powder helps people feel motivated and energized. The powder works by reducing lactic acid levels, which is behind fatigue.

Closing thoughts

Protein is a major component of hormones, antibodies, enzymes, etc. in the human body. However, many people consume less protein than required, hampering the proper functioning of the body. Some people like athletes and bodybuilders would need more protein than others. Hemp protein can provide for the lack of this nutritional element. What is more, the intake of hemp protein helps in weight loss, prevents oxidative stress, enhances heart health, and reduce fatigue.


Author Bio – 

Vishal Vivek, Co-founded Hemp Foundation to increase awareness about the most misunderstood plant on the planet. He believes that we can fight climate change, water crisis and plastic pollution with Hemp.

Times Group recognized him as a legendary entrepreneur and published his biography in “I Did IT- Vol 2” at the age of just 30!

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