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The world of entertainment is an ever-evolving field. It is one industry which is extremely dynamic and quite quickly adopts and even creates new trends and lifestyles. When it comes to movies and series, every genre has its own audience. Some genres like romance, thriller, comedy, etc. are commonly liked by all. However, seldom do we see a specific cultural genre attaining popularity worldwide. 

Japanese culture is an excellent example when it comes to a regional culture gaining worldwide popularity. Its animations and anime have been able to mesmerize audiences and carve a successful market for themselves. One particular form of animation that has gained immense popularity is that of the Ninjas. A new upcoming animated film called Ninjai: The Little Ninja could again bring ninjas again to the forefront of pop culture.

About Ninjai

Ninjai showcases how the Japanese warrior spirit is deep rooted in its people from a very young age. The story revolves around a young boy named Ninjai who wanders through various landscapes in search of inner peace. During his journey, he is accompanied by his best friend ‘a little bird’. Ninjai and the bird share an extremely affectionate bond and share almost everything with each other. As compared to the other ninja or warrior-based movies, Ninjai is a kid who exhibits child-like innocence along with the warrior spirit. This is something that adds life to the series and makes it even better. His innocent, childish-voice, simplified approach towards life, and loyalty towards his best friend are all traits that the audience admires. 

Even though Ninjai is portrayed as a child in the series, he is also an extremely brave and bold individual. During his journey, he is met with several obstacles and hardships. Not only this, he is countered and threatened by various opponents. However, Ninjai doesn’t fear anyone. He bravely fights with them all and overcomes all the hardships to reach the ultimate destination and achieve his goal. 

Major Features and Popularity of the Series

Ninjai was originally conceived in a time when the availability and use of technology was not that efficient and prevalent. However, it still featured some of the best animations and graphics that the world has ever seen in animated movies. The makers actually covered and exhibited the essence of a warrior’s life through their character- Ninjai. The new animated film beautifully captures the beautiful landscapes and the tough terrains that Ninjai passes through. Also, the battles of Ninjai with his opponents have been crafted to perfection. The use of original music along with an enthralling action sequence surely gives goosebumps to the audience. However, the most surprising fact is that the makers didn’t charge even a single penny for the original show which aired online for free. They all worked with utmost dedication and commitment out of their love for the show and the character of Ninjai

Such was the craze for this show worldwide that it has dedicated fan pages all over on social media. Despite the show having abruptly stopped a few years back, when the creators decided to instead focus on a feature film. Ninjai’s fans continue to remain loyal towards the show. 

Ninjai Movie

The past few months have been very exciting for all the Ninjai fans. There has been speculation about a Ninjai movie releasing very soon. The makers of the show have been working on a feature film of Ninjai, and this time again, as it was with their last Ninjai production it’s certainly going to be huge. 

As per reports, the movie is expected to release sometime later this year. The movie is aiming for a theatrical release. So, all the Ninjai fans, get ready to witness your favourite Ninja once again. 

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