Myths About Alcoholism & Tips for Getting Rid of this Addiction


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When you meet an alcoholic person, no matter how much you try and convince him about the ill effects of alcoholism, he may show no sign of stopping his addiction. Here are some well-known myths that you may hear from every other alcoholic and also learn the ways to tackle them:

Myth #1:  I can stop drinking whenever I wish to do it.

You may feel this way, but the fact is you won’t be able to change your habit. It is only an excuse and a way of justifying yourself that you have the self-control to control or stop your habit.

Myth #2: If I drink alcohol, it is my issue. I am the one who suffers, so nobody can tell me to stop it.

You are partly correct because the habit of leaving alcohol addiction solely depends on your decision. It is wrong to think that except you, no one else is affected because of your alcohol addiction. In fact, people who are close to you, such as your family members or friends, are the ones who are affected the most.

Myth #3: I do not have a habit of drinking alcohol as I don’t drink it consistently or every day. Hence, I am not an alcoholic.

No matter what kind of alcohol you drink, how often you drink, and how much you gulp down the throat, you are considered an alcoholic when your drinking habits affect your health or the lives of the other people who stay with you.

Myth #4: Even though I am drinking, I am in good condition and regular to my work.

At present, you may feel that you have mastered the art of drinking alcohol, and you are able to carry out your daily routine. However, whenever you are consuming alcohol, you are affecting your body internally, the result of which will be understood when you contract any alcoholic disease.

Myth # 5: Alcohol addiction is not as bad as drug addiction.

First of all, you need to know that alcohol is also a drug like any other drug that causes drug addiction. Addiction to alcohol causes mental imbalance and behavioral changes. It affects your family, health, career, etc. Drug addicts undergo withdrawal symptoms when they stop their addiction. Similarly, alcoholics also experience withdrawal symptoms when they are asked to stop drinking.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol addiction can be contained if you can make a note of the time when you yearn most to have a sip. It will then be up to you to keep yourself busy with work in that period so that there is no time for your brain to register your yearning.

You can also keep a substitute for your alcohol, for example, a jug of water. Whenever you feel like taking a swig of your alcohol, you take a sip of water instead. After a few days, your mind will automatically adjust to the water, and your yearning for the alcohol will be less.People, who cannot maintain these habits, take external help to get rid of their addiction. There are various forums and groups organized for people who want to give up alcohol addiction. These groups arrange get-togethers and talk about individual traumatic experiences that they have suffered due to this addiction. When you hear how much other people have suffered, you become acutely conscious of your own suffering also. Once you make the mind determined, there can be no better medicine to cure addiction.

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