Mistakes You Might Be Making on Your Resume That Could Cost You A Job


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Right now, there are more jobs than ever before. But that doesn’t mean that everyone who is looking for a job will get one. In fact, there are many factors that can play into who gets selected for an interview and who actually gets the job. One of the most important factors is your resume. And if you’re not sure what to do to make sure it’s perfect, you might be making some mistakes that could cost you a job. Here are some resume mistakes to watch out for:                                                 

Formatting Your Resume Incorrectly

If your resume looks like it was drafted in a hurry, you might not get called back for an interview. Make sure to take the time to formatting your resume correctly. Here are some mistakes you might be making on your resume that could cost you a job.

1. Filling in The Wrong Information

Make sure to list all of the relevant experience and education in the correct section of your resume. It’s also important to list your work history in the most recent position first, followed by chronological order.

2. Choosing the Wrong Fonts and Styles

Your resume should be formatted in 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins all around. Use fonts that are easy to read and use standard formatting such as lists and headings. Avoid fancy font styles or colors that may make it difficult for a potential employer to understand what you’re trying to say.

3. Using Awkward Headings and Sections

Make sure all of your headings are clear and concise, and avoid using any awkward sentence structures or verb tenses. Sections can also be helpful if they break up complex information into manageable chunks, but make sure each section is labeled clearly so it can be easily identified when reviewing your resume later on.

Failing to State Why You’re Interested in the Job

If you’re not sure why you want a job, or if your resume doesn’t reflect that interest, potential employers may not be able to see past your qualifications. Here are some ways to show why you’re the best candidate for the position:

1. Describe your experience in the industry. If you’re not sure which industry you want to work in, research what’s hot now and focus on experiences that match those interests. For example, if you’re interested in marketing and advertising, highlight experience working with those types of clients or creating ads.

2. Talk about how your skills would benefit the company. When listing qualifications, be sure to mention specifically how your skills would help the company achieve its objectives (for example, if you have expertise in Project Management, say so). This will show that you understand the company and are committed to helping it succeed.

3. Say something about yourself that isn’t on your resume. If there is something else about yourself that stands out and is relevant to the job (perhaps a hobby or interest), consider including it as part of your application letter or interview response. This can demonstrate that you’re a well-rounded person who takes pride in her work and isn’t just a cookie-cutter candidate.

4. Showcase achievements outside of work-related activities as well.

Using Poor Photo Quality 

When applying for a job, you want to make sure that your resume looks professional and catches the reader’s attention. However, if your photos are poor quality, they may detract from your resume and make you less likely to be chosen for an interview.

Poor-quality photos can make it difficult to see your facial features and can lead to hiring managers thinking that you are not willing or able to maintain a good work/life balance. Additionally, poor-quality photos can give the impression that you are not organized or competent in taking care of photo equipment.

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