McKay’s spare or kill choice in Far Cry 6 explained


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The Far Cry 6 McKay spare or kill option will appear at some time, leaving you to select whether the terrible CEO should live or perish. It’s a subtle one, though, and more of a suggestion that the option is possible than a specific Far Cry 6 decision. What do you do, is the question? Sean McKay is nasty, but he’s also wealthy and powerful, and it’s unclear what will happen if either option is chosen. You’ll get to choose when McKay is trying to flee the country and Dani eventually catches up with him.

You’ll have to choose between mercy, money, or murderousness at this point. At, we’ll lay out all of the alternatives and their repercussions for the Far Cry 6 McKay spare or kill dilemma to help you make an informed decision.

In Far Cry 6, should you spare or murder McKay?

Killing McKay in Far Cry 6 is a decision made at the end of The Deported quest, and it is mostly determined by your personal priorities. On the one hand, the game doesn’t seem to regard him as a person or a character. Except for a few shareholders, no one would mourn if he was left floating face down in the water.

On the other hand, if you keep your guns holstered, he promises to make it worthwhile, so perhaps sponsoring the revolution is more vital than revenge? Below, we’ll go over the precise repercussions to assist you make a decision.

Spare McKay 

You don’t acquire any equipment if you spare Sean McKay; instead, he pays you 5000 Pesos and flees. McKay is out of the storey and has no intentions to return anytime soon, so there’s no major plot divergence either way. Yelena will be annoyed that he is still alive, however this only affects a few speech lines rather than the game’s overall plot.

Kill McKay 

Dani receives a piece of equipment if you opt to kill Sean McKay: the wrist item “Canadian, Eh?” You will gain a small number of Pesos for each enemy you poison when you equip this equipment. With the correct weaponry and modifications, it’s simple to do, albeit it may not be as profitable as the alternative.

Dani will be able to obtain the special wrist item “Canadians, What?” if McKay is slain. This uncommon piece of gear causes deceased foes to drop pesos if poison is used to kill them. Getting the Poison Ammo modification for Dani’s weapons makes this a lot easier. For those who plan on playing Far Cry 6 for a long time after making their decision, getting this equipment can bring a lot of money-making potential. It may not be as handy for individuals who are rushing through Far Cry 6’s main storey.

The best option

We recommend going for the kill of these two alternatives, though it probably doesn’t matter much either way. You’re probably doing well enough financially at this point in the game that 5000 Yaran Pesos won’t make or break you, but that’s also why getting the wrist band isn’t necessary. For what it’s worth, each poisoned Castillos kill nets you about 10-20 Pesos, so it’s not a significant source of revenue, and you’d have to kill a lot of them to make 5000. If you’re short on cash, let him leave and take the cash; otherwise, blow his side parting off and walk away with a one-of-a-kind item.

Best choice

We recommend killing Sean McKay rather than letting him live because you’ll obtain a special wrist item if you do. This uncommon equipment, dubbed “Canadians, What?” allows you to obtain pesos from fallen adversaries if they are poisoned. You won’t get a lot of pesos, but you can get a lot of them if you work together during or after conflict. After you murder McKay, nothing in the story will change save for the wrist item reward. The only difference will be a tiny adjustment in Yelena’s vocabulary. If you opt to spare McKay, though, you will earn 5,000 pesos from him as you depart his ship’s grounds. Learn about The Far Cry 6 McKay spare or kill choice at

You can choose to stay and observe the relationship between Dani and the cigar-smoking businessman unfold. McKay will then engage in a radio call with one of his partners after some moderate berating. This will continue for a few moments until McKay returns his focus to you. He then goes on to say a few more things before the conversation comes to an end. After that, you can leave the region and return to your folks, who will be waiting for you. Lucky Mama will deliver a speech that will kickstart Libertad and La Moral & The Legends’ unification. Whether you murder him or not will have no effect on the plot.

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