Managing Asthma During the COVID-19 Pandemic


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Are you suffering from asthma? Then you may ask yourself how the condition can be managed amid the pandemic. You should take your medication and also adhere to the treatment plan. Fortunately, there are home remedies that can also help to manage the condition. You should adjust your lifestyle accordingly while also keeping track of your asthma triggers.

Asthma usually causes inflammation in the lungs. As a result, the airways will swell, and you’ll have a hard to breathe. The muscles around the airways leading to the lungs will tighten, and the mucus levels will increase.

The effects of asthma will get intense, and you may end up experiencing asthma “attack.” During such an attack, your body will get low amounts of oxygen, such that you’ll experience shortness of breath. You’ll cough regularly, gasp for air, and experience some form of tightness in the chest.

There are millions of people who are suffering from asthma in the U.S., and they may be forced to apply for sick leave from time to time. We’ll now look into how to manage asthma amid the pandemic.

Learn About the Significance of Self-Care

Asthma is chronic, and it means the condition can only be managed since there is no cure. Fortunately, asthma can be managed using rescue and daily medications.

Besides taking medication, people with asthma should consider the importance of self-care. Individual responsibility plays a key role when it comes to preventing asthma attacks. Your asthma action plan should also be good. Home remedies can also help to keep the condition at bay.

Making Lifestyle Changes

Some of the healthy habits that can help to manage asthma include:

• Maintaining healthy weight

• If you smoke, you should quit

• Get enough sleep

• Ensure you’re physically active

• Utilize stress management techniques such as deep breathing

Utilize Supplements and Herbal Remedies

Some experts have conducted some research. A considerable population of people who have asthma in the U.S. uses dietary supplements and herbs to manage the chronic condition. The only issue is that there is no scientific evidence about how effective herbal remedies and supplements are when managing asthma. Some of the popular choices include:

• Prebiotics

• Fish Oil

• Glucosamine

• Probiotics

• Melatonin

Other natural products can help to manage asthma while being used as home remedies. The only issue is that there is no scientific evidence to prove how effective such remedies are, and they include:

• Herbal therapies including mint and chamomile

• OTC (over-the-counter) chest rubs. They are primarily suited to children, and they contain menthol, oil, eucalyptus, and camphor

• Ephedra

Ensure you’re using the home remedies with caution since the natural products and OTC (over-the-counter) medication can prove to be dangerous for some individuals. If you’re not aware of the hazards, you may end up putting yourself at risk.

Some researchers have pointed out some common herbs, such as chamomile and echinacea, and they’re part of the ragweed family. For those sensitive to the use of ragweed, you may end up worsening the situation.

To avoid some of these issues, you should engage in a lengthy discussion with a medical professional and exercise caution when using home remedies to treat asthma. Although a particular treatment option may be popular, it doesn’t mean it is effective or safe. Some studies have been conducted, and they showcase that some supplements are not beneficial to people who have asthma.

Utilize Self-Care Apps

Technology has advanced, and it can be used to manage asthma. There are many apps that you can use to manage the chronic condition.

Some researchers have found out that self-care apps can help alter people’s behavior while also taking specific steps to manage the ailment. Apps also come in handy such that they ensure people can take their medication appropriately and consistently.

Identify and Eliminate the Triggers

The most preferable home remedy is to identify and eliminate the asthma triggers. It is good to know that the triggers usually vary from one person to another. Some of the common triggers include:

• Household pets such as cats and dogs

• Smoke from burning wood or tobacco

• Mold

• Dust mites

• Being sick with a condition such as common cold

• Cockroaches

• Emotional stress

• Air pollution

• Exercise

• Cold air

Once you have an in-depth understanding of your triggers, you can avoid them. You can also liaise with allergists in New Jersey since they can help you to manage the condition.

You can avoid some of these triggers through the following ways:

· Your bedding should be allergy-proof. You should also wash your beddings weekly and ensure they’re thoroughly dried

· Avoid smoking. Also, avoid passive smoke

· The food storage containers should be airtight such that it will be possible to keep pests away. The dining and storage areas should be cleaned frequently.

· Conduct vacuum cleaning regularly

· Ensure there is an air filter in the bedroom

· Keep track of the air quality forecasts

Try Out Yoga

Some research has been conducted, and it is evident yoga can be used as a home remedy for people who have asthma. People who partake in different yoga poses, including yoga breathing, had:

· Less asthma symptoms

· The asthma attacks reduced significantly

· Better blood flow

· Enhanced lung capacity

· Improved response to medication

Reducing Stress

Stress and emotions such as rage can lead to an asthma attack. Fortunately, different techniques can help to reduce a person’s stress levels. Such home remedies come in handy, and research confirms this.

Some of the beneficial techniques that help to relieve stress include:

· Massage therapy

· Breathing exercises

· Meditation

· Mindfulness

· Hypnotherapy

Final thoughts

Asthma is a condition that cannot be taken lightly, and it affects millions of people around the nation. Although there is no cure, the condition can be managed. In this case, consistency matters. Self-care plays a crucial role in managing the chronic illness. There are also specific home remedies that can keep the condition at bay. Ensure you’re avoiding the triggers listed above and also practice yoga. You can also take advantage of certain technological advancements, including self-care apps.

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