Main Rules When Dating a Slavic Woman to Get Superb Results


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Are Slavic women worth dating?

You might have heard a lot of interesting stuff about Slavic women. However, all men would agree that Slavic women are gorgeous. They are not just stunning because they also have smart brains. You might be shocked by the fact that the vast majority of Slavic women have higher education. These girls are both attractive and intelligent. It is quite a good combination, isn’t it? If you want to date a Slavic woman, you would better follow a few rules.

The rules for dating a Slavic woman:

Rule 1. Kill a little Scrooge in you, if any.

If you want to impress a Slavic girl, you should act like the most generous guy in the world. Slavic women like when a man is generous. For instance, you might buy her flowers, present her with sweets, or leave the waiter’s tips. All these are signs of a generous man who wants to make a positive impression on his girlfriend. You would better learn a few habits of generous men from your friends or read a few articles on being less greedy. Also, I recommend reading dating reviews like TGFAS Review and likes, a book that teaches you how to change your mind because often that’s what stops you from making good choices. Healthy choices benefit you in important areas of your life.

Rule 2. Work hard.

Slavic girls hate lazy men. They think that a person who has a lot of money and is successful is the kind of person who works a lot. It does not only mean that he must work hard at work, but it also supposes him to visit a gym a few times per week. The typical attribute of a strong man is the one with muscles. However, some of the Slavic women are afraid of too muscled men because they think they might hurt them. You would better not over exercise in the gym, not to frustrate your charming Slavic lady.

Rule 3. Dress up nicely.

Most of the Slavic girls know that western men do not care about the way they look. It is common knowledge that they prefer the casual style and can easily combine wearing sneakers with an official suit. It is not welcome for Slavic girls. They will not tolerate it if you dress carelessly. All Slavic women dream about a guy who can dress appropriately. In other words, you should learn a few tips on how to look well and dress nicely for a date with a Slavic girl. You would better hire a professional stylist to assist you in finding the best clothes for a date.

Rule 4. Be outgoing.

Slavic girls do not like shy men. You should be an easy-going personality for her to like you. It means that you should be rather flexible and have a sense of humor. Slavic women like to laugh at funny jokes and stories. Prepare for a date, then. You might even write it in your notebook and try to glance during a date. You should do it in a way for her not to notice it, of course. Select the best stories from your childhood and tell the ones needed to make her smile. However, you must not overdo it because she might think you are a clown and will never meet with you again. Slavic girls hate clowns and are not interested in communicating with them. 

Rule 5. Ask her what kind of food she likes.

It will be perfect if you like to eat the same food. For instance, it would be great if you both enjoy eating pizza or hamburgers. However, if she is a vegetarian but you are a meat-eater, there might be some slight issues. You would better ask her to tell you about her food priorities before the date begins. She must feel comfortable during the date, so if she is a veggie, there must be veggie options on the restaurant menu you choose. She must not be limited in choice either.

Rule 6. Invite her to dance.

If there is romantic music and a great atmosphere in the restaurant and the dance floor, you might ask her to dance with you. If she agrees, you will get the opportunity to smell her and feel her heartbeat. It is a chance for both of you to test whether there is chemistry between you. Even if you cannot dance and follow the melody, you should try to dance because she might like to dance a lot. Let her have the best impression of the first date by asking her to dance with you.

Rule 7. Make sure she got to her home safely or walk her home.

If you ask her whether she got back to her home safely, it is good. However, it would be even better if you walked her home. It might be very dangerous on the streets in the evening. Slavic countries are full of bandits and villains. If she is a beautiful girl, sooner or later someone may try to bother her. You would better be close to her to protect her in this case. Also, she might treat you like a hero if you show that you are a real man.

Rule 8. Be patient if she makes mistakes in English.

Not all the Slavic ladies know English well. If you do not know her native language, she will not get offended. If you manage to begin learning her native language, it might be a sign for her that you are serious about your relationships, and they have a future. Do not be too strict or laugh at her if she makes mistakes using English or has a language barrier. Be patient and help her learn English as soon as possible.

Rule 9. Invite her to the second date.

You would better do it as soon as possible if you feel that both of you enjoyed the first date. Do not manipulate her or play games dating with a few girls simultaneously. Invite her to the second date telling her that you would like to see her again and wonder whether she feels the same. No way you should leave her doubting whether the date was okay or not.

The final verdict

Summing up, you should be careful when dating Slavic women because these girls might get offended fast. They are very touchy and expect you to see the boundaries. You should not make her feel guilty if she cannot speak English well. On the contrary, you should make her feel as if she is welcome because she at least tries to make progress. If you think she will never learn English with your help, start learning her native language to understand each other better. Make her feel accepted and appreciated. Give her little presents every time you see that she is doing well. You will never be frustrated dating a Slavic girl because they are very prudent. Wish you an ideal date with your Slavic lady. Have a fabulous time together!

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