Look for Value Not Price When Comparing Health Insurance Quotes Online in Switzerland


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Are you looking for new health insurance in Switzerland? Are you feeling dissatisfied with your current health insurance? Are you the one who has been paying for years together to the same insurance company with a don’t bother attitude? If any of it sounds like a question right from your head, then let me tell you that it is now time to get ready. In October, the current insurance provider sends you a renewal notice and informs you about your next year’s premium amount. You can either renew from the same provider or change It to a new one. And the best way is to go online and make a health insurance comparison in Switzerland [Available in Italian]. Right at your comfort and with ease, comparisons can be made online for almost all insurance companies. And when it comes to your health care needs, no compromises are to be made; after all, your health is the key to longevity and happiness.

Features and Benefits Does Matter a Lot

If you want high-class benefits, do not shy away from paying, that too nominally. The moment you start compromising on the features and benefits with intentions only to bring down your premium, that’s precisely is the time from when you have started compromising on your health care needs. A perfect example and one of the most tempted compromises is to choose a higher deductible, instantly bringing down your premium amount. But the fact is higher deductible means whenever there is a requirement for your health care needs, share from your pocket increases before the insurance company starts paying it out. It has been noted that people tend to avoid attending to their basic health care needs to save their increased out-of-pocket expenses. Which, in the long turn, creates a dent in their good health and longevity. 

Another feature where people often compromise to save money instead of considering the value points is shifting the doctor visit modal.  Here instead of just looking out at the reduced premium amount, you must not forget to check for the quality of service available for that modal in your area where you reside.  For example, a person living in a small town may not opt for Tel Med. The money saved in your health insurance premium is of no good when big hospitals or many qualified doctors are not readily available in your area. A family doctor visit may be a better option to visit the doctor, maybe a known one first.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Why is Swiss Health Care is One of the Best in the World?

Switzerland is a country known for its exceptional health care. A vast network of doctors & hospitals providing exceptional service. Total freedom is given to choose your doctor, a shorter waiting to get the treatment done, the emergency and accident wards are always available. It’s a country where you get good health insurance-related services and get A one facilities. Swiss government focusses hard to give best medical facilities.

Services You Get

Health insurance in Switzerland is divided into two plans; the  Basic Plan and The Supplementary Plan. The Basic plan is mandatory to be taken by everyone.  You are supposed to get it within three months of landing. It will cover all your general health care needs. It will give you general benefits like coverage of general doctor visits or a family doctor visit, medicines, maternity benefits, accidental coverage, psychiatric coverage, and more. It can take care of almost more than 80% of health care needs.

A supplementary plan is an optional plan. People usually take it for getting extra coverage over and above the Basic plan. Like to get private room coverage, Dental health cover, enhanced coverage on hospital stay, daily cash in case of hospitalization. For the outpatient services provided through the supplemental plans, it has been seen many people opt for it.

You can have only your mandatory Basic plan or have both Basic and the additional Supplementary plan depending on your financial conditions and health care needs. A supplemental plan gives you enhanced benefits, which could add to both your well-being and comfort.

For someone, a massage cover may be unnecessary spending more money, but for some, it could be a necessity to keep one fit and active for better health and happiness.

What is the Take-Away

The best way to understand various features and benefits and their price tags from different companies is to go online and compare health insurance in Switzerland. You will see quick results from various companies and even ask for quotes, and they will send it for free. Here value will matter a lot than Price. Instead, take good benefits and invest in your health. Price does matter for all, and we all love to save, but health is your well-being, and one must keep some amount aside for its maintenance. It is for your benefit; after all, one stays healthy, the longer one remains happy, and so does the family.

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