Longevity: Foods and Habits You Should Know About


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Experts believe that living long and looking good at the same time is quite a feasible task. After all, every person can be thoughtful about the choice of food, perform simple exercises in the morning, and once and for all give up bad habits. What do centenarians themselves think about healthy eating, and what lifestyle do they prefer to follow? Find all answers in this article.

What To Avoid?

Statistics show that many centenarians do not have the habit of eating fast food or other highly processed foods. Their diet is only simple, natural food grown in close proximity to the region of residence. Along with these, refrain from following things if you want to live longer.

Meat Consumption

Most people who lived to old age say that meat was not a frequent guest on their tables. The main menu consists of whole grains, fish, seafood, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. We are not saying that you should completely avoid eating meat, but surely you must limit it.

Alcohol Consumption

Drinking alcohol can cause fatal diseases, such as heart and liver failure. Thus, if you want to have a longer life, abstain from drinking alcohol. Those who have an alcohol addiction must quit it before it’s too late. The government is also making efforts to make alcohol treatment accessible to everyone.

You can find state-funded and even low-cost treatment facilities in big States like New Jersey. So take some time to look for nearby rehabs in New Jersey that suit your needs. By getting rid of addiction, your chances of living longer will improve significantly.

Exhausting Physical Activities

Many people who lived to hundred years old noted that they had never been engaged in exhausting sports exercises. However, they walk very often and a lot. They like to grow something on their land or have other hobbies accompanied by moderate physical activity.

Foods That Contribute To Longevity

Many people dream of living a long and happy life. It is no secret that a healthy diet and an active lifestyle play a special role in preventing early aging. Scientists name several foods that should be present on the table of everyone who strives for longevity.

1.      Fish

According to scientific studies, the sufficient presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular system diseases. Heart diseases are the main culprits of early death in our country by more than a third.

The main sources of these substances, as we know, are various varieties of marine fish. It is advisable to use it at least twice a week, which most likely guarantees good health and increased life expectancy.

2.      Broccoli

Like all plant foods, broccoli is not only high in fiber but also in many other nutrients. It has been found that regular consumption of this variety of cabbage helps fight the development of atherosclerosis and the formation of free radicals in the body. You can eat broccoli daily, boiled or raw. In addition, this cruciferous is a low-calorie product, which helps fight excess weight.

3.      Whole Grains

Most cereals are the optimal combination of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, which benefit the body. Regularly including these foods in the diet can improve the functioning of the digestive system. It normalizes blood sugar levels and also prevents the development of many chronic diseases.

4.      Olive Oil

We all know about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. The successful combination of plant foods, fish, seafood and, of course, olive oil in the diet of the people inhabiting the Mediterranean coast contributes to a significant increase in their life expectancy.

Olive oil is healthy for its high content of antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and polyphenols. All these substances have a beneficial effect on the human body and prevent early aging.

5.      Berries

All berries are sources of vitamins, minerals, and natural antioxidants that fight premature aging. It has a high presence of polyphenols, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on the body. In addition, scientists found that regular consumption of berries prevents memory deterioration and concentration in old age.

6.      Buckwheat

This cereal is especially valued for its high protein content and its hypoallergenic properties. There are a lot of B vitamins in buckwheat, as well as minerals. Regular consumption of this porridge helps to strengthen the nervous system, prevent stress, and increase hemoglobin levels.

7.      Oatmeal

Oatmeal helps to normalize the digestive system and promotes gentle bowel movements. In addition, oatmeal is rich in valuable fat-soluble vitamins that can slow down the body’s aging. The best option for eating oatmeal is its combination with milk, berries, and nuts.

8.      Rice

The neutral taste of rice porridge allows it to serve as a side dish for most dishes. It is also good in sweet form. This cereal provides the body with the necessary charge of vivacity and acts as a source of amino acids necessary for preventing brain aging.

Habits To Adopt

According to scientific research, life expectancy is only a quarter dependent on genetic predisposition. A person’s lifestyle, habits and nutrition have a much greater influence on it. As you know, there are regions in the world with a traditionally high percentage of centenarians among the population. Having collected and systematized the information received from people who lived for a hundred years, here are some tips.

9.      Thoughtful Nutrition

The researchers emphasize that you should be mindful of what you are eating if you strive to live for a hundred years or more. You must follow the process of cooking properly, table setting, and serving food. This is a ritual that must be strictly followed. Daily gatherings at the table of all family members, carefully selected food and leisurely conversations – all this add more years to your life.

10.  Maintaining Contact With Loved Ones

Most centenarians are wonderful family men. They live surrounded by loving and caring children, so they do not suffer from loneliness and are less prone to stress and anxiety. In addition, such a friendly environment allows you to maintain clarity of thought and a good memory for a longer period.

We mentioned some foods and effective habits that help promote longevity. By adhering to the eating rules mentioned in this article, you can surely add more years to your life.

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