Learning the Best Places to Set Your Wine Racks

Tips Tricks

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If you are still starting to become a wine enthusiast, you have to learn the best ways to store them properly. There were many instances when wine bottles would either get shattered or go bad when left in random places. You do not want that happening to your wine bottles, especially when you have a plan to collect the different unique wine brands there are. 

Fortunately, you can find expert tips on storing wine bottles properly by utilising wine racks. You can find all sorts of designs like the cube wine rack, a favourite for many restaurants and wine enthusiasts worldwide. However, owning a wine rack is not enough if you have no idea where to place the wine racks because determining the storage area is a critical part when it comes to wine bottles. 

1. Construct a Wine Cellar

Before constructing your home or restaurant, it would be ideal to have a wine cellar built under them. The main reason to build one is that a wine cellar checks all conditions to preserve wine bottles. Some of the key factors to consider are the atmosphere, location, temperature, and even the racks used to store the bottles. 

You actually have to make sure that your wine cellar is up to specifications to ensure that all factors mentioned above are met. If you plan on collecting more than a dozen wine bottles, you should avoid wine fridges and other cooling units and place them on wine racks instead. 

2. Buy or Build a Large Closet

The next method to use your cube wine rack or any other type of wine rack is to place them inside large closets. While you can simply place the wine bottles inside large closets right away, it would be better if there were wine racks inside because it prevents each wine bottle from touching each other. At some point, the large closet might move by accident, and wine bottles will hit each other without the wine racks. 

Make sure you position the closet away from walls that face the sun every day because the heat can transfer through the other side and affect the wine bottles. Exposing wine bottles to constant heat can tint the taste, ruining the tasting experience for any wine drinker. The heat will also make the wine smell bad and have an unpleasant sour taste, so it would be ideal for placing the large closet in rooms or areas that do not get too hot or cold. 

3. Store Away from Sunlight and Kitchen Appliances

As mentioned a while ago, wine bottles should never be stored within hot areas because they can ruin their overall flavour. You should also keep in mind to never place your wine racks in kitchens, especially if you have tons of kitchen appliances that give off the heat every day, such as kitchen stove, oven, the side and back of refrigerators, and microwaves, to name a few. 

You should provide open space within your kitchen that is away from kitchen appliances or direct sunlight to protect your wine bottles effectively. In some cases, people free the countertop space and set the wine rack in the centre. 

When it comes to wine rack placement, you have to be smart with it all the time so that you never endanger your wine bottles. 

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