Keto Meal-Brussels Sprout and Sausage Crack Slaw Recipe


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Have you been compromising on the taste buds just to keep your health maintained? If yes, then you don’t need that anymore. Healthy diets are not always meant to be tasteless. If you want to keep up with your health and still enjoy delicious meals, getting started with a keto meal plan is necessary. Keto meals can be satisfying for the taste and hunger as well. There are some heavenly delicious keto meal recipes that everyone can try. Plus, the best is that they are not tough to prepare. You need some particular ingredients and need to follow simple steps and the keto meal will be ready. Here are stepwise instructions to prepare a wholesome keto meal- Brussels Sprout and Sausage Crack Slaw Recipe.

This recipe takes only a few minutes to prepare and what you need is only some ingredients. Enjoy the finely shredded brussels sprouts cooked with sausage meat ( mixed with coconut aminos) Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice, all cooked in a single dish. You won’t even need to do much clean up. 

Preparation Time:

Hands-on 15 minutes

Overall 20 minutes

Serving size 2 minutes 


  • ½ kg brussels sprouts, shredded and trimmed
  • ½ kg gluten-free ground pork or sausage meat
  • Two tablespoons virgin avocado ghee or oil
  • Two tablespoon tamari sauce or coconut aminos
  • One tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • One tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • One tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt and pepper (according to taste).


  • For the perfect homemade keto meal menu, grease a bowl with avocado oil. You need to remove the casing if you are using whole gluten-free sausages instead of sausage meat. Cut the Brussel sprouts- you will need to follow the recipe on a ‘per trimmed’ basis.
  • Put the Brussel sprouts in a mixer and shred it with the help of slicing attachment. If not, you can also use a sharp knife to cut the Brussel sprouts as fine as you can. 
  • Put the sausage meat in a bowl. Remember to grease it with avocado oil. Break the meat into small pieces using a spatula. Let it cook for three to five minutes on medium-high best. Switch the best off until keto lunch is cooked through. 
  • Put the prepared brussels sprouts in the meat and stir through. Flavour it with coconut aminos and lemon juice. (Add extra coconut aminos if you do not have Worcestershire sauce). 
  • Cook the mixture for about ten minutes. Keep stirring occasionally. Cook until the brussels sprouts are tender. Season it with pepper and salt according to taste.   
  • For a more delicious keto meal plan, serve the dish with red pepper flakes and chopped herbs like parsley. 

Serve it warm or let it cook down. You can also refrigerate it up to 4 days. Heat it before serving. You might also opt for ready-made keto meal plans for more ease. There are endless keto meals that can keep you healthy and satisfied with the taste as well. 

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