Is It Possible to Enhance Neural Connections?


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Strong neural connections are vital for everyone. They help us to learn behaviors and react to certain situations in similar ways every time.

Now, research is emerging showing that these connections in the brain can become stronger. This would up big possibilities for people with a range of conditions.

Keep reading to learn how this is possible. 

What Are Neural Connections?

Neural connections generate when we experience specific stimuli. Our bodies eventually reach the stimulus threshold. At this point, an electrical message transmits from the sensory neurons to the motor neurons to elicit a physical response.

A fully-connected neural network is what enables us to learn common behaviors and put them into action quickly. The more certain actions get triggered, the stronger the neural connections in the brain become.

For example, a professional basketball player will often practice the same dribbling move. The more he practices, the stronger the neural connections based on that motion will be. Over time, they will get better and better at performing that move on command.

It’s thought that connections exist between autism and neural connections. It’s thought that a gene related to autism affects how neural connections in the brain work. Essentially, an autistic person’s brain has too many neural connections going on, making it hard for them to learn.

There are other conditions affects by neural connections as well. These include motor neuron diseases and other degenerative brain conditions. However, new research could be able to help them reduce the impact of these conditions.

Can Neural Connections Be Strengthened?

Researchers have been looking into how to make more neural connections stronger. They work with the hope of helping people with degenerative motor neuron conditions, like Parkinson’s as one example.

An experiment, done by MIT, releasing small packets of neurotransmitters into the brain at elevated rates. Scientists were able to help stimulate the growth of new connections. These new neural connections are boutons. They connect different types of neurons, know as the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons.

So far, these experiments have only included flies at MIT. However, progress has already begun in other areas related to healthy neuron growth, even if not full regeneration.

Products to Help Neural Connectivity

The important work scientists have been doing into neural connection growth has inspired new products in the same area. This emergence of potentially useful products and medical aids could be a ray of hope for many with certain diseases.

Certain products and medications could be able to repair, heal, and encourage new growth of neural connections. If this is true, then it could help the day-to-day lives of people suffering from certain conditions.

One such product, Semax Peptide Liquid Spray, can be found on this page. Research shows that this spray can help to enhance neural connections. In the same way, it could even help to slow down the degeneration of motor neuron diseases.

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Needless to say, repairing and regrowing neural connections would be a huge step. The consequences for people with degenerative or chronic conditions related to neurons could be huge.

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