Instant Locs Complete Guide: All You Need to Know

Tips Tricks

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Are you looking for a hairstyle to transform your look in less than 24 hours? If yes, this is the right page because we will guide you about instant locs. Are there some pros and cons of instant locs? How much instant locs cost? Continue reading to find answers to your concerns. 

What are Instant Locs?

First things first, what are instant locs? Instant locs refer to creating dreadlocks with the help of the crochet method. In this method, a crochet needle is needed to install locs instantly. The locks are also called ā€œinstant locsā€ or ā€œinstant dreadsā€ as they are created within minutes. The sectioned hair is back-combed and weaved using the crochet needle and lath hook. The process is simple but time consuming and need a professional. So, if you want to get a perfect dreadlock transformation, this is undoubtedly your go-to style. 

How to Create Instant Locs?

Creating the instant locs is relatively easy compared to other types of dreadlocks. This is one of the reasons that makes it one of the quickest methods of hair transformation. Here we describe the installation steps quickly:

Step 1: Section the Hair

Before starting the locs, ensure your hair is washed and dried thoroughly. In the first step, divide your hair into equal sections. Ensure that the partitions are equal and neat. 

Step 2: Back Combing

Add some extra volume to the hair sections by backcombing. This step will add volume and help you determine the size of your dreads. 

Step 3: Create Comb Coils

At this step, use hair essential oils to moisturize your hair. Apply a tiny amount of gel and install the comb coils on each partition. Make sure all the partitions are coiled using the comb toto about half the length. 

Step 4: Weaving

Use a crochet needle to weave the hair. Push the needle in and out in a rapid motion. Maintain the smooth cylindrical locs by twisting and rotating the locs. 

Step 5: Twist the Locs

In the last step, twist the locs tightly on the roots. It will make them neat and firm, and strong. Further, twisting will prevent the locs from unravelling. 

How Much Time Does Instant Locs Installation Take?

Locs installation is a time taking procedure, but as the name reveals, instant locs are installed in a short period. It depends on various factors such as the hair length, volume, and locticians skills and experience. On average, instant locs installation requires 8 to 12 hours. Depending upon the circumstances, the time may vary. 

Pros and Cons of Instant Locs

Instant locs, just like any other hairstyle, have some merits and demerits. If you are thinking of choosing this style, here are seem pros and cons of the process that must be undertaken:

Pros of Instant Locs:

  • An excellent choice among other loc types.
  • No products are needed for more lengthy procedures.
  • The locs result in tight dreads that look neat. 
  • No more unravelling issues as the locs are firm. 
  • Inexpensive method of getting locs.
  • Easy to enhance with loc extensions.
  • Less installation time as compared to other traditional loc types. 

Cons of Instant Locs:

  • The method is tough to learn in the first go. 
  • Instant locs need special maintenance. 
  • Instant locs can damage the natural hair if done incorrectly. 
  • Instant locs installation cost is higher than other dreadlocks. 
  • The process needs professional services to avoid any damage to the hair. 

How to Maintain Instant Locs?

.From moisturizing to combing, the locs require proper attention. Follow these few tips to maintain the instant locs in your daily routine:

1: Washing:

Washing is a challenging step in the locs journey. Try to wash them once a week with a residue-free shampoo and a good conditioner. To keep the locs healthy and fresh, take care of the roots. 

2: Moisturize:

After locs installation, the hair shrinks and lacks moisture as they are not washed daily. So, it is necessary to use hair essential oils or moisturizers to keep the locs moisturized. To prevent any breakage, hair thinning and other side effects, moisturize the locs with natural hair oils, leave-in conditioners or hair serums. 

3: Cover locs while sleeping:

For the individuals getting the locs for the first time, sleeping with locs can be challenging. To avoid discomfort, use the head covers, head scarfs, durags or caps to cover your locs. Additionally, it will protect the locs from environmental elements such as lint, dirt, and friction. 

4: Conditioner:

Use a good quality hair conditioner, preferably organic, to make your locs soft. The locs make the hair brittle and hard, which can be managed only by conditioners. A good conditioner repairs your locs and prevents product build-up. 

5: Combing:

Combing the instant locs is not recommended because the locs lose their shape in no time. To style your locs, use a metal rat comb readily available in hair accessories stores. Avoid combing your freshly installed instant locs. 

How Much Do Instant Locs Cost?

The average rate of locs installation is between $300 to $800. Instant locs require the proper skillset to prevent damage to your natural hair. So, this is one of the reasons that the price may seem high. Further, the hairdresser has to do a lot of work in only a single day, so the price is justified. 

Can You Do It Yourself?

Instant locs are not easy to do. They require a considerable amount of practice, experience and skill. It may seem easy to use a single tool for the locs installation, but the process is quite technical. So, it is not suggested to perform it at home. To get professional results, get them done by an experienced hair professional. 

Final Words:

To sum up, instant locs are one of the finest hairstyles that are not only easy to install but can be managed easily with some tips and tricks. If you are impatient to transform your look, this is your go-to style without any second thought.

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