Install This: How Do I Setup and Open Sitecore After Installation?


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When people think of content management systems, they typically think of WordPress, a tool that has millions of users across the globe. Here’s the thing though… Not everybody loves WordPress. Some people need uniquely flexible solutions that pose lower security risks to their content.

These needs have led to slow but sure adoption of a CMS called Sitecore which you may be unfamiliar with but won’t be for long. Sitecore is a relatively new CMS that boasts thousands of users and is used by several businesses that have web development needs.

How does one open Sitecore or get it installed in the first place? Is getting up and running on the platform simple?

Those are questions we’ll be answering in the step-by-step setup and launch guide we’ve laid out below. Keep reading to get your site running on Sitecore!

Grab Legitimate Install Files

Before you can open Sitecore and start using it to create stunning web content, you have to grab legit install files. We emphasize legit because there are plenty of bad actors out there that circulate bogus CMS installs that feature security holes which make sites vulnerable.

The best place to grab a Sitecore install is from the Sitecore website, so, head over there and download the most recent, stable .exe file that’s available after working with an expert to ensure the product is right for you.

Drop Your Files Into Your Desired Environment

Like any CMS, you can install Sitecore on your local machine or on your web server. For the purpose of this post, we’ll assume that you’re using your local machine since not everybody has access to a web server.

Find a folder on your desktop, drop your Sitecore .exe into it, and see if you’re able to run it. So long as you have an active internet connection, a prompt should pop up which will guide you through the rest of your Sitecore installation.

Make Sure You Have .Net Framework

.Net Framework is a foundational tool that Sitecore will need to leverage in order to run properly. If you don’t have .Net Framework installed, your Sitecore installer should help you get it onto your machine.

We’ve received reports from some that this process has been less than seamless though and therefore, we recommend you self-install .Net Framework prior to proceeding with the Sitecore process.

.Net Framework can be downloaded for free here.

Move Through Your Installation

It used to be that the only way to install Sitecore was via working manually with a command prompt. Fortunately, today’s Sitecore installer assistant makes things much easier to manage.

After booting up the .exe file you downloaded, you’ll be greeted by an install prompt that is going to walk you through everything you need to get up and running with the tool.

Things you’ll be asked to do during this process include:

Getting Your Prerequisites Installed

Sitecore will make sure that you have all needed foundational elements installed on your computer. It has the ability to (hopefully) pull these prerequisites from the internet on your behalf and install them.

You should be able to get all of your foundational files up and running just by clicking the install button you see on screen.

Solr Installation

Solr is a program you’ll need to be installed on your local machine in order to run your SQL server successfully with Sitecore. Sitecore will spell out what it needs to know in order to get Solr successfully placed on your machine.

When in doubt, leave the default values Sitecore has in the port, prefix, and install path boxes alone.


In order to access your Sitecore site, you’ll need an administrative account. Sitecore will prompt you for the password associated with that in its setting dialogue box.

It’ll also ask you to show where your Sitecore license is on your machine.

Microsoft SQL

The last semi-complicated aspect of your install will be to run an instance of Microsoft SQL to, again, support your ability to run an SQL server locally in conjunction with Sitecore. You can find Microsoft SQL here.

Input your login credentials into your Sitecore install window with Microsoft SQL running.

Everything Else

There is a handful of final settings Sitecore will ask you to fill in. These should be self-explanatory and some are optional.

Fill everything out to the best of your ability, validate your settings, and hit the install button to complete your process.

Open Sitecore Post Installation

Once everything has been installed correctly on your machine, your final step to using Sitecore will be to open it and get logged in. The great news is that doing so is as easy as clicking the “Launch Sitecore” button you’ll see on the screen that pops up once your installation subsides.

When you click the launch Sitecore button, you’ll be sent to a red login screen. Note the local URL in your explorer window and copy it so you can navigate back to this launch screen when you want to open Sitecore again in the future.

You Now Know How to Install and Open Sitecore Successfully

Sitecore is a cutting-edge CMS that enables web administrators and marketers alike to create beautiful products. To enjoy that value, users first have to install and open Sitecore on their computers or web servers.

With the guidance we’ve shared, we hope you feel capable of doing that!

Workflows when it comes to installing change all the time so stay abreast on future developments via the Sitecore website, changes to Sitecore open-source wcm, and more.

Looking for more targeted guidance? Curious to know about Sitecore openings and uses? If so, we welcome you to explore more of the content we have available on our blog.

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