Improve Your Health with Laura’s Organic Elderberry and Gummies


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Flu is a common ailment in the early seasons of the year in our regions and the best natural way to boost our immune system for protection is through natural elderberries. 

Laura DiSalvo a resident of Valrico and a mother of two girls believe in the value of elderberries in improving the body’s immune system such that she has created a supply of homemade natural syrups and products from elderberries.

DiSalvo who holds a degree in biology and has mastered Biotechnology Business management quitted her job at a military lab to stay with her girls at home. She later developed a passion for elderberry products after failing to get satisfaction from the store elderberries. Her family loved elderberry products and the small-sized containers which came with a high price tag was not enough for them. The quality of the syrups was another thing that made her look for other options from the store elderberry products. DiSalvo got a supply from people who made elderberry syrups and products locally and homemade but was not impressed by the quality of the products. She was always disappointed by either the taste or the quality of the products. Some of the store elderberry syrups would be too watery and that is when DiSalvo decided to make her elderberry products. DiSalvo has been making homemade elderberry products for over four years now and has nothing to regret about the business. That is how simple Laura’s Organic Elderberry and Gummies was started. 

WebMD reports that the flowers and berries of elderberry are full of vitamins and antioxidants which are beneficial to human health. They can be used to improve the following health conditions:

  • Constipation
  • Joint and muscle aches. 
  • Headaches 
  • Kidney problems
  • Minor skin conditions
  • Stress 
  • Fevers
  • Inflammation.
  • Heart conditions

DiSalvo has a special way of making her own elderberries products which differentiates her products from those of stores and other homemade products. She insists that she makes her products with great caution on the temperature to ensure that the berries are not denatured. Holding a biotechnology business management she ensures the finer details that influence the taste and nutritional value are upheld during the preparation process of the best elderberry gummies and syrups. 

DiSalvo explains that the inner of the berry are the areas packed with the medicinal properties in elderberry. Therefore, she says that failing to squeeze the berries after cooking is depriving your elderberry product of important nutritional and medical properties. She emphasizes that the process is not easy and the reason many people preparing the elderberry products skips that part but not with her. She says that she enjoys the preparation process though it is messy and tiresome. 

Additionally, DiSalvo strain twice with cheesecloths to ensure that her products are very smooth. She adds local pure honey to the products when they are cooled down ensuring that her honey is not denatured by hot elderberry product. DiSalvo uses organically grown elderberries that are not sprayed by any pesticides and her honey comes from the local Andersen’s Apiary in Riverview. 

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