Important Features to Look in Redgum Firewood Logs Before Buying


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Redgum is among the most demanded firewood species in Australia because of its high-quality flame and less smoke. This eucalyptus genus tree is abundantly available throughout the country and there are no issues regarding its ethical sourcing. The huge demand for this eucalyptus tree for fuel has also increased the risk of black marketing and inferior quality. Generally, getting hard Cheap Firewood is the primary objective of every buyer. However, most of them don’t know how to figure out quality firewood. If you are also looking for redgum firewood for sale, please pay attention to some important factors as we are mentioning below. 

Buying a redgum firewood stock

  1. Check its texture and color

The redgum firewood gets its name because of its iconic red colour. A mature tree of red gum has bright red colour from inside. The wood obtained from an immature will have a lighter texture. Don’t buy firewood of immature trees because it burns with poor consistency and also produces less flame. 

  1. Proper seasoning

Without seasoning, firewood of all species is useless. Seasoning is a process to reduce the moisture level naturally or artificially. The natural technique is putting the entire stock of firewood under sunlight. It takes around two months for getting a stock of firewood ready for sale. With kilns, this process hardly takes a week. During the peak season, it is advisable to go with the option of kiln seasoned firewood only. They use a large oven where high temperature reduces the water percentage of firewood logs. While receiving the order, don’t forget to use a moisture metre to get accurate readings. The suppliers of red gum firewood near you should maintain moisture below 25%. 

  1. Size of logs

If you are buying firewood for indoor use, please check the size carefully. In congested places, it is advisable to use a firewood log not larger than 14 to 16 inches. It adjusts conveniently as well as catches fire with less effort. 

  1. Order in cord only

Firewood is available in the market with cord and weight measurement. Cord measurement has a standard size of 4 × 4 × 8 feet. In total, it is 128 cubic feet. We recommend cord instead of weight measurement because water content can be the major contributor to every log’s weight. Wood with a higher moisture level is not ideal for burning. After reducing moisture, the weight also decreases and you will feel fooled by the merchant. 

Benefits of ordering firewood online 

  1. Time-saving

Finding a firewood merchant in the local market is a headache. Even if you manage to find someone, how do you make sure that he is a genuine supplier? Online portals of firewood merchants are easily accessible from anywhere. Without wasting time in the market, you can place orders from your convenient place. 

  1. Multiple options

The number of merchants of bulk redgum firewood for sale online is increasing. Therefore, you will get the assistance of multiple suppliers in one place. Among multiple options, it becomes more convenient to find good quality firewood. It reduces the monopoly of local merchants. 

  1. Cost-effective

As the online competition increases, you will start getting better offers from sellers. Don’t forget to grab the opportunity of discounts available on special regions like festivals and season sales. 

This is all you need to know about buying firewood from online stores. If the local and online stores are not providing good quality firewood, you can also go with the option of sawmills and arborist agencies.

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