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We are all living in the digital age. Indeed, this century has ushered in many groundbreaking technological advancements. And these advancements have changed the way we think about the world.

According to research, the use of digital technology has changed human behavior. Nowadays, people are focused on personalized experiences with efficient service. Furthermore, there is a renewed interest in customized experiences that cater to evolving demands.

But, the education sector has always been slow to adapt to changing technology. Digital transformation in education is moving at a snail’s speed. Educators cite tight budgets and inconsistent planning as the key reasons for the slow implementation of technology. However, that does not mean that the world of education is stagnant. The education sector is going through a slow but steady change that can impact the future of learning.

Distance learning:  Nowadays, people view education through a different lens. Before the introduction of online learning, the only mode of teaching was in-class instruction. Due to traditional degrees’ rigidity, most people thought of it as an opportunity available to a few select people. Furthermore, high costs meant that education was inaccessible to marginalized societies who were fighting for survival. People with jobs had to choose between attending classes or a steady income. However, the use of digital transformation has changed the way we study. Through distance learning, students can simultaneously learn and keep their job.

The best thing is that distance learning is a viable option for every level of education. Especially given the current situation of the education system amid the pandemic, it is proving to be more advantageous. Students can graduate high school by completing online high school courses for credit from their homes’ comfort and convenience. Not only that, but universities also offer online learning options to prospective students. Open-source learning has also made the best education available to students from all corners of the world. Online learning platforms like Udemy and MIT’s Open Courseware offer courses from highly rated universities free of cost. So people who cannot afford to enroll in university programs can hone their skills via such platforms. Therefore the learning has democratized the education sector by making education accessible and cheap.

Customized learning for all: Every person has their way of learning. Some learn better through audio devices, while others understand visual aids better. But, traditional education expects students to learn in a homogenous atmosphere. Such a policy hinders learning, and it is also stressful for people with learning disabilities. According to Forbes, 20% of the American population suffers from learning disabilities. Therefore the education system must cater to everyone. New learning apps and software programs can play a central role in analyzing the learning capabilities of individuals. Students with dyslexia can use text-to-voice applications to aid them in reading and writing. Other personalized learning options include gamification, flashcards, and adaptive repetition. Students will be in charge of how and at what pace they will learn. Additionally, AI analysis and machine learning can guide educators in customizing lessons according to the student’s individual needs.

Augmented Reality (AR): Augmented or virtual reality (VR) is the real-time use of information to recreate pictures as real-world objects. This groundbreaking technology is an excellent addition to the education sector. AR technology can help science subjects come to life. Google Expeditions is an excellent product that has made the VR experience more affordable. This program uses smartphone apps to bring 900 different expeditions to life. AR allows teachers to create AR experiences for their students in the comfort of their classroom. Not only does this technology make learning more exciting, but it can also make lessons memorable. And, students who use AR technology for learning are more interested. AR is also an inexpensive and convenient alternative to laboratory learning. AR technology has not only changed the modes of education, but it has also revolutionized the outcomes.

Internet of Things (IoT): While IoT has been integral in connecting schools and colleges, it has also made the education sector more efficient. With IoT, students can easily share assigned work with instructors. Furthermore, teachers can track students’ progress, and they can analyze the learning patterns of their students. Some facilities such as Google forms offer detailed analysis about class performance to predict their class’s learning styles. Of course, IoT has been fundamental in connecting learners with instructors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most experts predict that the integration of IoT will lead to online-centric education in the future.


Even though digital transformation has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. The biggest issue of digital technology is weak security. But, some apps, such as Securly, have tried to fill the void. However, much remains to be done. Due to digital transformation, educators are getting more concerned about cyber-attacks and hacking. Therefore, it is necessary to sternly focus on strengthening the security measure of educational apps and online classrooms.


Educators must fully integrate new technology in their sector. Not only is it the need of the moment, but it is also very fruitful for learning. However, most schools are unable to introduce tech in schools because of problems with funding and planning. The USDOE (United States Department of Education) is playing a pivotal role in addressing these problems. The USDOE has created a National Education Technology Plan to help schools tap into the potential of digital technology. However, we have yet to see how well the plan translates into action.

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