Year-end office party cancelled?? Here are some celebration ideas to try!

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There was a time when some employees used to criticize and abhor from going to the celebrations and parties thrown by the office for any achievement or launch. But, now they are sad even more than the others or at least equally. Itā€™s true that sometimes we realise the importance of somethings when they are gone. The situation is similar to how all our life we have wished to not have to go to the office and the thought of working from office gas kept us amused. But, not that we have no option but to work from our homes, we want to go to the office really badly. We are missing the colleagues, the hustle, and even the daily commute.

In this blog, we are sharing with you some tips to have an office year-end celebration so that you can end at least the year with a smile. In the procedure, we will also share with you how an HRIs software can help you initiate it and turn it into a success. Take a look.Ā 

Have a Zoom quiz night!

There must be colleagues in every team who have become the bestest of friends at work. Not meeting each other would be excruciating for them and all others ofcourse. If not in person then why not in virtual? Ask employees to join a zoom event at night where you will have a theme , dj, dance and a fun quiz night where team can have fun questions from bollywood, office or anything under the sun! To increase the enthusiasm and participation make sure you have fun prizes for the winners.Ā 

Arrange a socially distant picnic outdoors

BBQ is another great option, the garden area can be booked for this people can be divided in different trops to set their picnic spaces and a 90s movie can be played. This will definitely give a great experience to remember and cherish for years for the employees to come! HRIS software can be used to announce the events and send the details to employees on the software itself. Many employees donā€™t have the habit of checking emails anyway!Ā 

Be their secret santa

There are some states that are seeing a drop in positive COVID-19 cases and so they have started reopening with precautions. But there are still people who fear stepping out and there surely would be some working with your organisation as well. So, it is better to not force people to come to you when you can go to them. Get some funny socks and be their secret santa. Obviously you cannot do it all on your own. Assign the task to the team managers so that they can send gifts to their team. This is a little effort with a great long-lasting impact that will help you in strengthening your relationship with your employees They will love the effort!Ā Ā 

Throw an online awards ceremony!

Take a hint from a very famous series ā€˜The Officeā€™. Just make sure you make a script just like it minus the offence and have a company-wide award ceremony online. Give awards for the funniest of things like ā€˜most talkative video call personā€™, ā€œcoolest WFH setup personā€, ā€œthe I always forget to muteā€ and more awards can be created. For each of these, polls can be created with name of the nominees and employees can vote for the best whom they think should win in the HRIS software. You can do one poll daily.

Also Want to Know How To Celebrate Christmas & New Year At Work During COVID-19?

Besides, all the aforementioned points you can also start the best holiday costume competition or a rewards program to keep employees motivated. They can also enjoy a virtual happy hour and raise a toast. Other than these options we think as Diwali is coming something sweet should also be parcelled at the employeesā€™ doorsteps. With an HRIs software by your side, doing all this would become even more fun, quick and easier!Ā 

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