How to study well in Class 10 maths to get a good score in exams?


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Mathematics is considered to be a scoring subject and this can specifically affect your overall class 10’s percentage. It is easy to score good marks in mathematics. All that you need is to put some extra effort into this. 

In this section, you will get to know about all the important points that will help you to study and prepare in the best way for the class 10 maths exam. 

Important preparation tips to follow for the class 10 maths exam

In the below-mentioned section, you will find that the class 10 maths preparation and study tips are divided into 3 categories as follows:

  • The initial preparation days
  • Preparation specifically at the mid of the academic session
  • Last-minute preparation to be followed just before a few months of the board exams

The initial preparation days

This time is known to be very important as early preparation will help you and ease out particularly at the time of examination. As you have just got into class 10 and so, you will not feel any kind of exam pressure at this specific time. 

It will also make you familiar with the specific pattern of question paper that is asked in the exam which includes long answer questions, short answer questions, and very short answer questions. This will also let you know about the section-wise distribution of marks. 

  • Knowing about the maths syllabus: It is also very important to know about the CBSE class 10 maths syllabus and this is considered to be the best time when you can start doing so. 

This part should be necessarily done before you initiate your exam preparation. Along with that, it will help you to make a much better study plan for yourself. You get to know about many different topics and chapters that require to be completed in the entire session. 

Your plan should be to complete the overall syllabus at the December end. As a result, you get sufficient time for practice and revision. 

  • Remembering important formulas: You should make a separate notebook for the formulas. Also, you should thoroughly understand and remember the integral formulas from every chapter. This will help to save your time during the exam. 
  • Following the study schedule: Before you start studying, you should always make a study schedule. Making this will particularly keep you on the right path. Also, you can study in a better way. 

Another important thing that you should do is to allocate a minimum of an hour daily practicing maths. You can even devote more time in case you are weak in maths. 

Preparation specifically at the mid of the academic session

  • Solving all the exercise problems from NCERT books: It is very important as most of the questions asked in the exam are from NCERT books only. 

Also, you can refer to the best class 10 maths ncert solutions if you want to make your preparation even more strong. But, firstly, you should always try to solve the NCERT textbook’s exercise questions. 

  • Studying in a group: You will always get an advantage by studying in groups. But, you should choose your friends wisely otherwise it will ultimately waste your time. 
  • Explaining to others: Whenever you are indulging in a group study, you should ask your friends to study different chapters as on completion of all those chapters, you can teach some chapters to your friend and your friend can teach some of those to you. 

Last-minute preparation to be followed just before a few months of the board exams

It is specifically the time when you have finished your complete maths syllabus and just 1 or 2 months is left for the exam. 

This is the time when you can entirely focus on practicing Below are mentioned some of the integral tips that will effectively boost your preparation.

  • Solving sample papers and previous year question papers: This is a very important thing that you should follow as it will help you to get familiar with different types of questions asked in the exam. 

After solving the previous year question papers, you must go through the best NCERT solutions for class 10 maths. This will help you to understand the specific answer writing skills to be followed during the exam. 

In the case of board exams, you will find that the marks are allocated as per the steps. So, even, you have attempted the answer wrong, particularly because of the calculation mistake, you will get some marks. 

Also, in Maths paper, it is very important to properly manage the time. 

  • Taking study breaks: Study continuously for a long duration makes learning different. This is considered to be the main reason why you should indulge in taking short breaks. 

All that you need is to go for a walk and exercise for a while specifically during the study breaks. Doing 10 to 20 minutes of exercise particularly during the study breaks will keep you fit and mentally refreshed. So, you can effectively prepare for future studies. 

  • Doing Revision: It is considered to be the best time to specifically go through the entire syllabus again. 

When you revise, you should pay attention to the specific topics carrying more weightage. Another thing is to solve the most important questions just before the exam. 

  • Taking adequate rest: As the exam approaches, you should avoid being stressed and for this, you should take an adequate amount of rest. Also, you should necessarily get a good sleep the night before the examination. You should avoid studying any new topic just before the exam. 

So, the subject of mathematics is based on problem solving and calculation. This is the main reason why you should focus on understanding all the concepts properly. 

In this regard, mugging up all the formulas, and studying only for a few months is not going to work. Ultimately, you will not be able to get good scores in the subjects as the specific subject of mathematics is all about practice.

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