How to Prepare for a Divorce: The Ultimate Guide


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Are you preparing yourself for a divorce?

Divorce is often the last thing on anyone’s mind when they’re getting married. Not all marriages have happy endings, and seldom does a divorce come easy. The divorce process can take months to complete and give you a lot of emotional baggage. It can be harder if you and your ex have kids.

No one is ever prepared for a divorce, but we can help make it less overwhelming. If you’re wondering how to prepare for a divorce, you’ve come to the right place. This article covers some tips for going through a divorce. 

Gather Your Personal Documents

One of the first things you need to do in a divorce is gathering your personal information. This may include personal data about you and your spouse and other legal documents. Under your personal documents, take note of the following information:

  • Full legal name
  • Date of birth
  • Proof of residency
  • Employer’s name and contact information
  • Salary or wage and length of employment
  • Address for receiving legal papers, and
  • Usernames and passwords of your online accounts

You may need to collaborate with your spouse regarding joint accounts. If you have kids, gather personal documents for those under 18.

Get a Support Group

Divorce isn’t easy for any person involved. There can be a lot of anger and frustration mixed up in the process. Even if you and your spouse have an amicable and healthy divorce, it won’t always be easy.

This can be as simple as talking to a friend or family member about your situation. You may need to visit a therapist, especially if you’re escaping major trauma. It’s crucial to consider your kids’ emotional health along with your own.

Younger children may have a difficult time understanding the concept of divorce. However, your older kids aren’t immune to the effects of divorce.

When breaking the news, be honest and don’t sugarcoat the situation. Be there for your kids and seek emotional support when needed.

Find a Divorce Attorney

To help speed up and smoothen the process, find a responsible divorce attorney. A good divorce attorney will inform you of your responsibilities and rights. They will also help you understand the legal jargon to prepare you for big decisions in the future.

Depending on your state, getting a lawyer can be a complex process. You need a divorce attorney to guide you through. It’s crucial to remember that your attorney is only there as a representative of you.

It’s best to interview a few attorneys before choosing to work with one. You need someone who can help you close the legal process and move on.

Identify Personal Property

For an amicable and healthy divorce, discuss your property with your partner. Start by having an inventory of your property. This includes your personal belongings and ones that you share with your spouse.

You may also need to gather the relevant documents and list each item’s value. For houses or land, ensure that you have the deed, property tax info, and insurance policy. If you don’t have a mortgage, get the credit loan statement.

Vehicles require registration documents, VIN, and the title. You may also need to gather the current loan statement and warranty. For other household items, ensure that you have the receipt and loan statements.

If you have a pet at home, retrieve their adoption records or bill of sale. Ensure to get the registration, vaccination, and medication records. Follow this link to find out how divorce property division works.

Manage Your Finances

Besides your personal belongings, you also need to reevaluate your financial accounts. Come financial accounts may also need protection. Some spouses may raid bank accounts early on during the divorce.

It may be time to close joint credit accounts to prevent unnecessary losses. When doing this, you may also need to determine your income to see if you can afford the divorce. Determine how much your marital debt is.

Consider establishing it now if you don’t have a credit card under your name. Some individuals struggle with getting bank loans due to their former credits. This may be because your previous credit statement was under your partner’s name.

Ensure to start with a good credit score to avoid further debt. If you plan on moving out, prepare an after-divorce budget. This gives you something to fall back on if your original finances suffer from the divorce.

Don’t Move Out Yet

You may feel the need to move out of the house during the divorce. However, most attorneys recommend staying in the marital home unless there’s abuse. Moving out before finishing the legal process could impact your case.

While your divorce case is pending, your judge will decide on property distribution. If you need to move out of the marital home, ensure that you continue to pay part of the mortgage.

You may also lose your negotiation chances at keeping the marital home if you leave it. If you’ve suffered from domestic abuse, consult your divorce attorney. You may be able to keep the marital home and remove your spouse from it.

Remain Civil

Allow yourself to grieve during a divorce. In most cases, this is normal and healthy. Grief may not always look the same for everyone, so it’s important to keep your support group close.

However, regardless of what feelings you may hold toward your partner, it’s best to keep it civil. If you unleash your anger or hurt on your partner, you could end up with an acrimonious divorce. This makes the legal process worse and gives you a more difficult time to heal.

It’s best to keep your divorce details private. Avoiding further conflict will be better for you and everyone else involved.

Now You Know How to Prepare for a Divorce

Here’s everything you need to know about how to prepare for a divorce. Divorce is never easy, but this guide will help ease the process.

Are you transitioning into a life after divorce? Check out our other blog posts for more guides on how to adjust to your new lifestyle.

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