How to Make Your Home Safe for Your Pet

Tips Tricks

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Much like our children, our pets can be considered a big part of our family. So alongside caring for their physical and emotional needs, you want to ensure they are as safe as possible, especially when they are out of your sight.

Even if you think your home is secure, it’s important to assess everything carefully. You would be surprised at how easy it is for your furry friend to get into mischief.  

Below we will talk about how to make your home safe for your pet.

Let’s get started.

Secure all the exits.

The first step in securing your home is ensuring your pet can’t escape. Even well-trained pets are known to run off, and the last thing you want is for them to get lost.

Check your doors and windows so that they close correctly. It’s also a good idea to repair your fence and make sure there aren’t any holes or weak points.

Remove dangerous plants from the garden.

There are various plants that are dangerous for pets, so before you let them outside, be sure to observe what is present in your garden. A quick google can help you determine which plants are safe and which ones aren’t.

Of course, accidents can always happen, so it’s still a good idea to look further into pet insurance coverage limits. This way, you can ensure they receive the best care in an emergency.

Store hazardous products out of reach.

If you have a lot of hazardous products and cleaning supplies around your home, be sure to keep them out of reach. Many things are toxic to pets, and often by the time you find they have consumed them, the damage to their bodies is already done.

Don’t forget to double-check that the products you are using near them are also safe. For instance, some chemicals, such as weed killers, can be dangerous to their skin even if they aren’t directly consumed.

Use child-proof latches.

Pets are cleverer than we think, and with a few attempts, it’s possible that they will learn how to open your kitchen cabinets or refrigerator. If this is the case for you, it’s worth investing in a few child-proof latches.

Covering your bins and trash cans is also a wise choice. Otherwise, you may come home to a rather big mess.

Close your washing machine and dryer door.

Lastly, while this one might seem a little strange, it is crucial. When your washing machine and dryer aren’t in use, all pet owners should be sure to keep them closed.

If left open, it’s common for pets to crawl in to seek warmth and comfort. This is extremely dangerous as you may not notice and accidentally shut them inside.

Final words.

And that’s it! These were some tips on how to make your home safe for your pet. It might seem like a lot to take in at first, but it’s possible to create a secure environment. You just need to think carefully and try your best to minimize risks before they cause any harm.

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