How to Lose Fat in a week


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I’m going to tell you something that impacted me, the lose fat is the most dangerous that exists for health because it is the one that is around vital organs, besides it raises the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart attacks, among other diseases.

According to Arthur Agatston, director of wellness at Baptist Health South Florida, and creator of the South Beach diet, “waist fat is different and is what really determines the risk.”

Best Way to Lose Fat with Easy Way

For his part, Ronald Goldberg, an endocrinologist at the University of Miami, says that when there is fat in the abdomen, the tissues become stressed and develop an inflammatory response. “If it’s a short-term situation, it disappears and everything returns to normal, but when that lose fat is left it can be chronic and damage the tissue.”

That’s why I’m going to tell you how you can start eliminating it. It’s not magic, it’s called changing habits and believe that in a week you’ll start to see results.

How to lose fat in a week

The reality is that there are no miraculous remedies to lose fat overnight, but with a balanced diet and exercise you can achieve results from the first week, your stomach will begin to be deflated!

Eliminate saturated fats and incorporate good fats in your diet

  Including monounsaturated fats in your diet will help reduce the risk of diseases. But, beware, it is about replacing the “bad” ones with good ones, not simply that you start eating more of this type of fats. Some examples are: olive oil, nuts, seeds, nuts, avocado and olives.

Eat vegetables

It seems announcement, but there is no more. Make sure you incorporate vegetables because, in addition to being nutritious and low in calories, they will make you feel satisfied.

Say no to flours

It is proven that abdominal fat accumulates, in large part, by the consumption of refined white flour: bread, to put it simply.

The nutritionist Mari Carmen Oases, nutritionist certified by the Mexican Association of Nutritionists, explains that the foods with higher fat and sugar that accumulate in the abdomen are:

  • Sweet bread
  • Box cereals refined with sugar
  • Sweetened cookies
  • Ice creams
  • Refreshments
  • Beer
  • Mayonnaise

Do not stop eating

That belief that if you stop eating low weight is a total and absolute lie. Eating little will make your body store fat, so you have to feed yourself, but do it in a healthy way like using the Psilium. On average, women should consume less than 1,500 calories a day, while men require 1,700.

Burn calories

Each extra kilo is equivalent to 7 thousand calories, in that you have to concentrate on how to lose belly fat in 10 days. This decrease is not automatic. In fact, it is best to lose 1 to 3 kilograms per month, but it is essential to reduce calorie intake and burn existing ones with exercise.

Avoid refreshments and TAKE WATER

Water helps you fill your stomach, this way you will feel more satisfied. Ideally, 2 liters a day. You will be hydrated and control your appetite better.

Concentrate on other things that also help you lose weight

A good night’s sleep, at least 8 hours, is also essential to lose weight. In fact, it is proven that if you do not sleep, instead of eliminating fat, you increase it. A tip: you burn more calories if you sleep naked. Another factor that helps you eliminate fast abdominal fat is to lower your stress levels because it causes the hormone cortisol to be produced, which causes us to store fat mostly in the middle of the body.

Lean on natural remedies that do and do not hurt

The laurel tea and cinnamon fasting is a super effective remedy. It has digestive and detoxifying properties by expelling retained liquids. However, it is not magical, you have to hb5 supplement it with a healthy diet and constant exercise.

Its preparation is very simple. Boil a liter of water, when it is at its boiling point add a teaspoon of water and 6 bay leaves. Lower the heat and let the tea concentrate for 5 minutes. Once cold, take a glass in the morning and the rest consume it as the water of time during the rest of the day.

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