How to Keep Your Home Safe from Pests during Storms?

Home Decor

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Around the world, hurricanes and storms left drastic effects on homes. As it is a natural phenomenon so you have to be prepared for the upcoming damaging effects to avoid any catastrophe. The top list priorities during extreme weather are to move down the home and emphasizing the closure of windows, but other long-term risks such as pests used to prowl there long after the storms have gone away. The stagnant water and the fallen tree logs aids in the nurturing of many insects which move to your home in search of a safe place. Follow the following strategies to combat a rise in the number of pests in the days or weeks followed by the storm.

Strengthen the pest control efforts

When the reports of upcoming storms start to roll in, it’s recommended to conduct both indoor and outdoor investigations of your home to prevent the pests come over after the storm. Like, fissures must be sealed with silicon-made plugs, water leakage must be addressed, and there should be a proper slopping of the property to drain out the extra water. Additionally, impending pest growth sites like waste cans and peat should be placed in some distant area from your home to keep the pests away.

Drain stagnant water

Although it’s a common stance that the storms associated with rains and floods are used to eliminate the population of the mosquitoes, while the stagnant water left afterward functions as a breeding place for the mosquitoes. Mosquitoes need only a small quantity of water to grow. That’s why you should drain the stagnant water to prevent the growth of mosquitoes in your pantry or backyard.

Get purge of contaminated food and spoiled debris

It’s a usual thing to have a long period of power breakdown during a storm that causes food to be spoiled, which eventually leads to the outbreak of flies in the home. This can be avoided by placing the rotten food in a sealed bag outside the home. Rodents can also be lured by the ruined food and litter that are expatriate by the storms looking for food and accommodation. So it is necessary to make sure that the debris is collected timely by the sanitation workers and make the piles of the garbage far away from the home.

Detection and assessment of the water leakage

The water damage can cause decaying of the wood that may entice the termites, a pest that can gradually eat up the wooden beams and flooring of your home, causing a lot of monetary loss over time. Furthermore, extreme moisture nearby your property can disrupt the saturation of the soil that leads to the outbreak of ants, looking for some higher place to use as a shelter. Such issues can be alleviated if you dispose of the debris, fix the water leaking pipes, and ensure the proper slopping of your home.

Probe for any orifice due to structural impairment

Storms come with swift winds, heavy rains, and hail that may cause damage to your home and relocate the contiguous biota. This may encourage the bigger pests such as mice, squirrels, rats, and raccoons to look for some safe place in homes. Deteriorated sidelines, roofs, etc. may act as the best option for such animals to reside in for a particular period. That’s why it is advisable to check for any hole or damage to the exterior part of the home and fix it as sooner as possible.

Connect with pest control services

Finally, go for the complete home inspection by the team of professionals. Professional help from Squirrel Removal Mississauga will ensure you get rid of the pests and that too without the use of harsg chemicals. If you suspect any pest infiltration, the Smith Thompson Houston offers the complete treatment plan under the supervision of the expert personnel after the complete investigation of your home.

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