How to Improve Your Smile in 5 Different Ways


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Learning how to improve your smile will do more than simply make others think you are happy. It will make you feel happier by releasing dopamine and serotonin into the bloodstream, brain chemicals known for making you feel upbeat.

However, it’s tough to smile when you’re self-conscious about your teeth. Fortunately, there are five things you can do to improve those pearly whites. Follow these tips, and you’ll feel better about showing off! 

1. Commit to the Upkeep 

The first thing you can do to both obtain and keep a great smile is basic upkeep. As this goes, you have three options at your disposal.

Hygienist Visits

Visit the best dentist in mililani once every six months to maintain dental hygiene and get a routine cleaning and oral examination. This process is important for two important reasons.

  • It ensures the buildup of plaque and bacteria don’t go unchecked
  • It enables you to address issues before they become bigger problems

Your hygienist visit takes care of what regular brushing can’t. It’s usually covered by dental insurance as well. 

Flossing Regularly

Regardless of whether you brush regularly, you can’t dislodge all food particles from between your teeth with brushing alone. The longer that food stays trapped, the more bacteria it attracts. 

Many people fail to floss every day. This alone can drive thousands of dollars in dental procedures over time. 

Brushing Twice Per Day at Minimum

Why brush twice a day? The short answer is that it’s easy to remember after breakfast when you wake up and after dinner before you go to bed. To be safe, though, you might want to keep a toothbrush at work and touch up your teeth after lunch and snacks.

Whether it’s once, twice, or five times per day, invest in a good toothbrush. Consider a motorized toothbrush for more revolutions per minute and the appropriate pressure. If you do go manual, purchase a soft-bristle toothbrush to protect your enamel.

2. Stop Damaging Your Teeth Through Diet

The second, and perhaps most vital thing you can do, is eating the right foods. Equally as important, you must stay away from bad foods. Let’s take a quick look at each. 

Eat This

Leafy greens, non-citrus fruits, dairy products, nuts, and meats are just a few of the great foods for your dental health. Crunchy vegetables like carrots, celery, and broccoli are great as well. These foods are high in calcium or protein, both of which help edify dental bone structure.

Not That

Citrusy fruits and pickles can be bad for enamel due to their acidic nature. Bread and crackers can be poor as well since they are so easy to trap and so hard to dislodge from your teeth (especially if you don’t floss as often as you should). 

Avoid Added Sugars

Soft drinks, alcohol, candies, or anything with added sugar are particularly terrible for teeth. Plaque is able to more easily bind to these materials and cause extensive damage if gone unchecked. 

3. Explore Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Over the last two decades, there have been a number of teeth straightening and teeth whitening options to aid those with dental issues. The strides made have given new hope to those who thought they just had to accept crooked or discolored teeth. 


There are three primary methods for how to whiten teeth. Two are within your control and consist of eating the right foods and using teeth whitening toothpaste or at-home whitening systems.

The other is an actual teeth whitening procedure from a cosmetic dentist. Don’t think of it as an either-or approach. Instead, ask a cosmetic dentist about the services they offer as well as what their advice is for keeping the shine when you’re away from the office.


One of the more popular cosmetic dentistry options is teeth straightening, which was often caveated by the use of braces. That “metal mouth” look became the bane of many an adolescent’s existences growing up even though it was the only option for how to have straight teeth.

Thankfully, Invisalign for teens and adults joined the available teeth straightening options in 1997. This provided better straightening options using clear materials to accomplish the same task.  

Implants, Bonds, and Veneers

More advanced procedures such as dental bonding affix an adhesive to the enamel and dentin, thus providing a whiter, straighter smile while helping to stabilize the existing natural structure.

Another option is to use composite material or porcelain to overlay the existing tooth. This keeps it from damage while providing a cleaner, whiter look. Lastly, implants act as an anchor to crowns, bridges, or dentures. If this sounds like a good solution, don’t hesitate to get your crown fitted in Batavia il to get started on your smile.

4. Exercise

Something else to consider when improving your smile is the fact that the lifestyle you lead can play a major part. Exercising four to six times per week will promote a healthier lifestyle. 

While this doesn’t have a direct influence on your dental health, it does strengthen bone and muscle structure. This helps the bones of the face and jawline just like any other bone in the body. Lastly, it helps lead to the last recommendation.

5. Make Healthier Choices

Healthier choices go beyond regular exercise. It goes to the habits that you have and how you conduct your life. Cutting out smoking immediately comes to mind as something you can do to stop the damage that you’re doing to your body and your dental health. 

It’s also not strictly about what you cut out. Replacing these bad habits with positive ones like drinking more water and chewing dentist-recommended gum can provide viable alternatives sure to preserve and strengthen your dental health.

Knowing How to Improve Your Smile Gives You Confidence

Once you know the methods behind how to improve your smile, you won’t hesitate to show it off. You have to commit to the process, though. 

Improve things like dental hygiene, your diet, exercise routines, and habits. You’ll feel the difference. You should also be mindful of what your dentist can do to make improvements for those things beyond your control. 

For more health information and tips, check out some of our additional posts! 

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