How To Improve Your Mental Health


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From time to time we may all feel anxious, depressed or stressed. However, for 1 in 10 of us, mental health can become a real issue at any time in our lives. 

The good news is there are ways that we can all improve our mental health. 

Accept How You’re Feeling 

If you want to improve your mental health, one of the first things you need to do is accept how you’re feeling.

When you accept how you’re feeling you’re more likely to be aware of your emotions. This can help you to get the help you need from a personal therapist or doctor. 

Note What You’re Grateful For 

What are you grateful for? Think about everything that’s good in your life. 

Perhaps you’re grateful for:

  • Your family
  • Your friends
  • Your job
  • Your home
  • Your car

Every day, list 3 things that you’re grateful for. When you do, you’re likely to feel even more grateful for them. 

Get Enough Sleep 

Getting enough sleep can help you to feel better. When your body has the rest it needs you may feel brighter. 

Set up a sleep routine and stick to it as often as you can. 

Do Something Creative 

Many people enjoy doing something creative. They can find pleasure in writing, painting, drawing, dancing, or singing. Why not indulge yourself in something creative? You never know, you could start to feel a little better. 

Learn To Relax 

We all know how to relax, but we don’t all take time to relax. However, doing so can have a hugely positive impact on your mental health.

Take up yoga or meditation. Consider slowing down your breathing and try to focus on something positive. 

Write Down Why You’re Feeling Bad 

Something that can prove to be very helpful is writing down why you’re feeling bad. Note down the following:

  • What you feel
  • When you started to feel this way 
  • What you think may have caused you to feel bad
  • What you’re going to do to make you feel better 
  • What has worked for you in the past

When you keep a note of how you’re feeling you may start to see a pattern. The patterns can be found in the cause of your bad feeling and what makes you feel better. 

Spend Time Outside 

Studies have shown that spending time outside can relieve stress. Spending time somewhere green can also help to reduce your blood pressure. This is known as “Attention restoration theory”.

Try to spend at least a few minutes outside every day. If you’re scared of going outside, open a window and enjoy the fresh air. 

Try to encourage yourself to spend a little bit of time outside. You could ask someone you trust to come with you. Slowly increase how much time you spend outside so you become used to it. 

Eat a Healthy Diet 

Eating a healthy diet really can help your mental health. When your body receives the nutrition it needs you could have more energy. You may even have fewer colds and feel less tired. 

Smile More 

Did you know that when you force yourself to smile you actually improve your mood? Smiling more can be so useful, and it can potentially make a bad day better.

Try to think about those things you love. They could be:

  • The sound of the rain
  • Spending time with family or friends
  • Spending time in the garden
  • Visiting the zoo
  • Taking a walk in your favorite part of town 
  • Watching a show at the theater 
  • Enjoying a movie at home

Think about all of those things you like to do and try to do them more. Smile when you’re doing the things you love as it can encourage you to keep doing them. 

Spend Time With Friends And Family 

Keeping in touch and spending time with those you love can help you to feel better. You don’t have to be a social butterfly, however. You just need to spend time around people. 

If you’re an introvert, you may find socializing quite challenging. This is perfectly OK. Do as much socializing as you feel comfortable with. Just make sure you do some.

It is possible for you to improve your mental health. If you’re concerned about it, please seek professional help. There is no shame in asking for help. In fact, it could help you to get your life back on track. 

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