How To Grow Your Facebook Group

Digital Marketing

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In this article, I’m gonna show you exactly to either revive a group that has been on life support or start a new group and get a whole bunch of new members into it.

Facebook group is really a great way to connect with your community and your customers. But, you can’t do it if there are no members in your group.

So, today, we’re gonna show you exactly what strategies you can use to grow your group.

Let us see in detail and understand how to leverage other Facebook groups to grow your own Facebook group without being slimy.

How To Leverage Other Facebook Group

1) Just Invite People: 

Just go ahead and invite people from off the platform of Facebook, into your group. That means insert your Facebook group links with group icon on your email signature, you can also add an enticing tagline on the signature that says “Join my Facebook group” because of x, y, z value.

Don’t be afraid to truly invite them to hitch your group where normally you’ve invited people to like and follow your page.

2) Define Your Target Audience:

Make sure that you define exactly whom you want in your group. Creating a bunch of birds that’s flock together is gonna be a whole lot more exciting and enjoyable to not only participate in, and grow, and be a part of, but it’s also gonna help the group feel very cohesive because they are gonna feel like other people understand them.

So, I can’t stress how important it is to qualify the types of people that you are looking for.

Here what this looks like. If you are looking for the best 5 places to walk your dog in Washington, join our group, that’s what we talk about. Something like that is automatically qualifying the person if they’re a dog lover and they live in Washington.

And, it’s evidently something that’s of compelling to them. You automatically told who the group is good for, and attracted them through value.

Your pet business now features a whole entire group of individuals that are qualified to shop for their services.

3) Use Your Cover Image Properly:

So, we discussed about how to attract and get people from off the platform, onto the platform into your group. Now we‘re gonna talk about how to get people that are actually on Facebook into your group. So, the first thing that I want you to consider is that cover photo. That’s on your Facebook page is a huge real estate that I want to use.

So, whether you have a cover video or a cover photo on your FB page profile, make sure that you modify that blue tab into “Visit Group” and point that clickable button with an arrow or make a whole video all about joining your group”.

Another thing you can do on your page is to highlight and tease some content. So, even you wanna take a snapshot of something that you’re teaching how to do something.

4) Insert An Ad in Your Blog

Another way to get people from off-platform onto your FB group is by inserting an advertisement into your blog.

5) Tease Content In Stories

You can also compel them to join your group through Facebook and Instagram stories.

6) Email Blast To Your List

You can also do a major email blast to your list inviting them into your Facebook group. Another natural way to get into your group is by natural progression.

 7) Natural Progression

Depending on if they’re at that top for a catch-all or you move’em through, you niche’em through.

Reach Out to the Admin and Talk To Them:

As I teased at the beginning of this article, I wanna show you the way that you can leverage in other groups, to help grow your group without being sleazy. 

Now, here what I mean. 

You might belong to some other group that you really like but just like you that group owner is constantly looking for education or something to post or strategy, and that’s where you can become the hero of the day.

So what I suggest you do is reach out to those admins. Talk to them, find out what strategy is for their group an if you could help them with it, and ask them that you want to go live once a month to share valuable tips on their Facebook group?

Or maybe you could provide t a guest blog to them that can share in there once a month or maybe their group members can help you get information for something that you need to do.

There are countless amounts of ideas but reach out to them, and make friends with someone. Just because we’re online in this social media space doesn’t mean that one admin can’t reach out another, and see how you can collab and help each other out.

When you have the support of that admin and they are introducing and presenting you to their FB group as an expert that will more meaningful for you because the admin has verified you and your brand.

So, once you gain the trust, you are being put in a silver platter to those group members. So make use of this opportunity, but only do it if you’ve got the admin support.

Now, I know some of you out there might be thinking, I don’t really have a blog, or video, or all these resources yet, I am just starting. But you really wanna connect with a group “without being sleazy”.

 Still, reach out to the admin; find out if maybe you could go live into the group about your zone of genius. Maybe it’s you and the group admin, or maybe it’s just a takeover that, like, one day, a month.

Maybe be it’s just purely becoming a moderator in the group, and helping out the admin. You need to understand that these group admins have the same burden that most Facebook group admins do, and that providing engaging, exciting content for their community.

So ask yourself how can you assist and contribute to the group”.


These are the basic strategies that you can implement on your already existing or new Facebook group to grow members.

So, start implementing the above strategies on your FB group from today.

Additional Tips:

If you are an admin of a group, and finding it hard to add a new admin on the group then I recommend you read an article on how to add admin to Facebook group.

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