How to Create a Redirect Page in Wikipedia


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Do you know that Wikipedia means fast culture? It comes from Hawaiian, an apt name I would say.

Every day, it is estimated that, on average, about 80 million people visit Wikipedia , a number that is constantly growing thanks to the quality of the content and the importance attributed to this platform by search engines.

There is no doubt that a link from Wikipedia is a coveted thing for us in Marketing.  But how difficult is it to get links from Wikipedia?

 Is it worth investing time in getting Wikipedia Page Creation service ?

The dry answer is yes. I’ll talk about HOW TO DO IT in this article.

Why get backlinks from Wikipedia?

In the context of digital marketing, link building, or the set of techniques for obtaining links to your site from other sites, is one of the main activities of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) .

First of all, we must clarify that Wikipedia is a non-profit company and one of its main objectives is to remain independent and publish authoritative and quality content .  For this reason, building backlinks artificially, without there being a strong justification for the presence of a link, undoubtedly goes against all its founding principles.

In fact, Wikipedia is familiar with the techniques of us who operate in web marketing and has tried several times to discourage us from submitting links, even releasing only  no follow backlinks since 2007 .

However, a good marketer knows that today more than ever it is necessary to focus on the quality of content and on techniques of public influence that focus as much as possible on authenticity and the real value proposition.

This means that aiming to obtain a “legitimate” link from Wikipedia and therefore not in contradiction with its principles, is not only required but also healthy!

Why Wikipedia continues to be a coveted platform for backlink hunters?

Google gives Wikipedia a very high ranking, by virtue of the quality of its content. This means that a link from Wikipedia translates into a significant increase in the ranking of the site that receives it.

Wikipedia receives a lot of visitors , so it could result in a possible increase in visitors to our site.

Authority:  being present on Wikipedia corresponds to prestige and therefore to an increase in authority in one’s niche.

Do you also aspire to be mentioned on Wikipedia?

Continue reading.

 In the first part of the post, I will reveal the strategies to get backlinks from Wikipedia and how to put them into practice, and How you can Create a redirect Page in Wikipedia?

Then in the final part I’ll explain two foolproof ways to build backlinks quickly.

Strategies for getting backlinks from Wikipedia

First let’s see the main strategies for inserting links on Wikipedia which will be explained step by step.

  • Direct Link to your Site
  • Dead Link
  • Missing quotes

There would be a fourth category, that of suggesting your company to create a wiki page, but you can only do it if your company is publicly traded, and if you’re reading this blog, it probably isn’t.


There are some considerations to make before attempting to suggest you link in Wikipedia.

Every modification / addition on Wikipedia is moderated, so you can’t just add a commercial link or a link to irrelevant or sparse content. Wikipedia editors are very careful about who wants to put SPAM links, so the possibility of failure is around the corner.

The golden rule is: publish and link quality content.

Strategy 1: direct links to the site

By direct links to the site, we mean adding a link from your site to an existing entry on Wikipedia. With the premise in mind, here are the steps to follow to PROPOSE you link.

How to add a link on Wikipedia

  • Register on Wikipedia, just go to the main page of the site and   follow the procedure to create your account. screenshot on how to register to get links from Wikipedia
  • Look for the suitable article to insert your link, remember that you need to add a link to something relevant
  • When you have found the page to add your link to, click on Edit how to edit to get links from Wikipedia

Link or quote : now you have to choose whether to insert a link or a quote (source)quote or link to get link from Wikipedia

Highlight the word or phrase you want to attach your link to, then choose the manual option and enter your URL and click done screenshot add quote to get link from Wikipedia

Click Publish Changes

Wikipedia now asks you if it is a minor change or to be added to the watchlist. For example, a “minor change” refers to a correction such as changing a space or punctuation. Changing even just one word you have to click on the second option. Screenshot post changes how to get links from wikipedia.

Review changes and publish

Your link is now under review.

Double your chances : after creating your account, before suggesting your link, suggest other changes and show interest in Wikipedia, because when it comes time to add your link you will be even more unsuspected. Better still if you can wait a few days before posting your link from the day of registration and get yourself known to the editors.

Strategy 2: dead link

Dead links or  dead links , if we make the term more colorful for our understanding, are those links that were once active and now I’m not anymore. A dead link is marked in red both within the article, if it is a link, and at the end in the citations.

dead link example how to get links from Wikipedia

So, the strategy is to report a new URL to replace the dead link, Wikipedia is always looking for enrichment.

How to change a dead link

Find here the list of pages containing dead links on Wikipedia

Look for the right article in which to find the dead link, this can take quite some time. It’s not easy to find a dead link that talks exactly about the content you want to put your link into

Once found you can click on Edit Source  or Edit example of edit to change dead link Wikipedia

Here now find the dead link marked in red and click on it: Above
  • Select External link and enter your URL and click Done example edit dead link how to get links from Wikipedia
  • As before, you will be required to review the changes before making the final submission
  • This method is pretty quick, although finding an article relevant to your goals can take some time.

This dead link is the perfect excuse to help the Wiki community.

example citation needed how to get link from Wikipedia

Strategy 3: missing citations

Similarly, in Wikipedia there are also missing citations ( citation needed ) and these are specially marked.

How to suggest a missing quote

The procedure is similar to that for changing a dead link.

Find here the list of pages with missing citations on Wikipedia

Look for the right article in which to add a quote, this can take a long time, because it is not easy to find a missing quote of the topic you would like to talk about.

Once you have found and verified that there is a need for a citation needed you can click on Edit

Now find the message [citation needed] and click on Cite (in the top bar)

Click on Manual and then Website

Now a form opens to fill in with the information to suggest, such as the website, the title and the date of access, when you have completed it click on Done

Quote form how to get links from Wikipedia

As before, you will be required to review the changes before making the final submission

Tactics for finding link building opportunities in Wikipedia quickly

There are two effective ways to find dead links and missing citations in Wikipedia, one is the Weighable tool and the other is Google, find out how.

Method 1: Wikigrabber

The tool I use to research opportunities to add links in Wikipedia is called Wikigrabber. Wikigrabber is a quick and easy tool to find the most relevant articles that are right for you.

For example, let’s say you are looking for link building opportunities related to “SEO” because you have a well-curated article to index. Here’s what to do.

Go to Wikigrabber and enter the keywords “seo” and click search example search in wikigrabber to get links from wikipedia

Dig up the results and find links from Wikipedia. In this example we have already found an article that needs a quote and an article with a dead link links found on wikigrabber get links from wikipedia

Click on the results that seem interesting to you and start suggesting changes on Wikipedia

Method 2: Google

You can use Google to search for dead links , here’s how.

Search on Google for the following string:

site: “your topic” in text: dead link use google to get links from wikipedia example

Obviously replace “your topic” with the contextual topic you are interested in. For example, I searched for  site: “cutlery” in text: dead link to find dead back links in Wikipedia pages that talk about cutlery, cutlery and found many opportunities.

Scroll and find the most suitable articles to insert your link

As above suggest the changes via your Wikipedia account and wait

You can use Google to search for opportunities for missing citations , here’s how.

Search on Google for the following string:

site: “your topic” in text: citation needed

Obviously replace “your topic” with the contextual topic you are interested in. For example, as above I searched for: site: “cutlery” in text: citation needed

Scroll and find the most suitable articles to insert your link

Suggest the changes via your Wikipedia account and wait

Here you now know how to get links from Wikipedia, but remember quality content is the most important thing to be accepted, so produce something amazing and also remember:

” Content marketing is no longer a numbers game. It’s a game of relevance ”~ Jason Miller

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