How To Choose Dishes for The Kitchen?

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Healthy eating depends not only on organic healthy products, but also on the dishes in which we cook every day. During cooking, it is necessary to observe thermal norms and methods of processing products. Therefore, every housewife has a large number of different pots, pans, plates. However, not everyone knows how to choose the right dishes for the kitchen, as well as what material is harmless when cooking.

What should the set contain?

The kitchen should have a limited set of utensils depending on the number of family members:

  • For a family of two, two frying pans of different sizes, two small pots, a ladle, and small baking dishes are usually enough;
  • For a family with children of 3-4 people, a kitchenware set for the house should consist of four frying pans for preparing main dishes, pancakes and fritters, three pots of different sizes, several baking dishes;
  • Professional cooks should add a grill, a wok pan, frying pans and other non-standard kitchen utensils to the standard set.

The choice of utensils for cooking should depend on whether you really need these items in cooking. Many people buy whole sets of pots, some of which never appear on the stove. However, if two or three positions are enough for you, it is better to buy pans or pots separately and not overload the workspace.

Materials and coatings for dishes

To preserve the useful properties and environmental friendliness of products, it is important to use harmless materials. It is important that kitchen utensils do not oxidize when heated, and also do not release harmful substances into food. Similarly, chinaware is also a good choice when choosing kitchen dishes. The choice of dishes for the kitchen depends on the temperature conditions during cooking. The material must withstand the required temperatures so that food does not burn to the walls. The most commonly used materials are:


High-quality aluminum utensils are used for cooking at high temperatures. It is economical and light weight. However, products made from secondary aluminum alloys are harmful to health, products that are cooked in such utensils emit enzymes that are dangerous to humans. Therefore, this material was replaced by anodized aluminum. Such dishes have a protective layer that prevents oxidation.

Stainless steel

The most commonly used cookware in the kitchen that can be used for cooking at all temperatures. It does not stick and is easily washed by any means.

Cast iron

Heavy and durable cast iron products are often used to make pancakes, pilaf and stews. Cast iron heats up for a long time and evenly, retaining heat and preventing food from burning. Its disadvantage is that after damage to the protective coating, such dishes can no longer be used.

Heat resistant glass

Glass heats up quickly evenly, however, it is afraid of sudden temperature changes. So that the products do not burst during cooking, you need to constantly monitor that there are no bubbles, chips, cracks on them.


Expensive material in which, it is believed, the most delicious food can be cooked. The metal does not oxidize and does not allow food to burn. Copper utensils are suitable for use on an induction hob.

Coating also has an impact on food quality. When cooking, products come into direct contact with it. Teflon coating is considered the most scratch-resistant and oxidation-resistant. However, it will last you only a few years even with careful use. Enamelware is economical, but it is difficult to fry anything in it – only stew and boil. Ceramic coating is considered the most environmentally friendly, however, it is not resistant to temperature changes, and also quickly becomes dirty. Fails three times faster than Teflon.

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