How to Choose a Bed Frame That’s Right for You

Home Decor

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For most people, buying a mattress is the most important part when it comes to buying a bed. The bed frame tends to be nothing more than an afterthought. However, a bed frame can be just as important as buying the proper mattress when it comes to supporting your sleep.

About one-third of a person’s life is spent sleeping or trying to do so. That means that you want to spend a good portion of your life getting quality rest so that you can be productive when you are awake. 

But with so many bed frame options out there, you might not be sure how to choose a bed frame that is going to be right for you. Your bed frame acts as the main support system for the bed, so you want to make sure that you get the best possible one for your sleeping situation. 

Luckily for you, we are here to help. So keep on reading and we will take you through everything that you need to know. 

1. Consider Current Mattress Size

Are you already happy with your current mattress? If that’s the case and you aren’t getting rid of it, then you can use your mattress as a size guide for the bed frame.

The bed frame will need to match the mattress so that you get a good fit. Some mattress sizes come in different variations, so you want to know what the exact measurements are. 

2. Look at the Size of Your Room

If you’re getting a totally new bed, including a mattress, then you can pick whatever bed size you want. You should take into account the dimensions of your bedroom so that you can find the right bed. 

It is generally recommended that you have two to three feet around the bed on the end and on the sides. This is going to give you enough space to move around your room with ease. 

Measure the space in your room and compare that to the size of the bed. Remember that the headboard and bed frame can add a couple of inches to the size of the bed.

Figure out which bed frame size you want so that you can narrow the options down. 

3. Choose the Support Type

Your mattress is going to need some kind of support under it. Otherwise, the mattress is going to wear down and start to sage. 

The two popular options for support are box springs and platform beds. 

If you pick a platform bed, then it will give built-in support to the mattress. You do not need to use a box spring in this instance. 

A platform bed typically sits closer to the floor than a standard bed frame that comes with a box spring. 

4. Compare Integrated vs Separate Frames

A freestanding bed is usually a basic design and doesn’t come with any decorative features. You can pair it with a separate headboard to get the style that you want. 

Your other option is a complete bed. This would come with the bed frame integrated with the side rails, footboard, and headboard. This will provide you with a finished style.

Some options are made out of wood in various stained, clear, or painted finishes. Other frames use an upholstered design along the side rails. The support slats are placed in the bed and they are held in place by the side rails.  

A TV bed could be an example of an integrated frame. 

5. Choose the Height

The bed frame height is also something that you will need to consider. You should pick whatever is going to be comfortable for your bed height. A mattress that is high up could be helpful for people who have issues moving around.

A high frame could also help you store items under the bed.

If you are someone who likes to stay close to the floor, then you should think about getting a platform bed. You also can look for a low-profile bed frame. 

If you want a lot of height, then look for a tall bed frame. You can even get a custom bed frame to fit the exact height that you want. 

6. Evaluate the Legs

You need to think about your floors and the base of the bed frame. Look at the part of the bed frame that is going to make contact with the floor. Does it provide any protection with covers or glides?

If not, then the legs could scratch your wood floors or rip up your carpet. 

Some bed frames have wheels at the base of the legs. This will let you move your bed around with ease. You should make sure that you get locking legs so that your bed does not roll around in the middle of the night while you are trying to sleep on it. 

The Importance of Knowing How to Choose a Bed Frame That’s Right for You

Hopefully, after reading the above article, you now have a better idea of how to choose a bed frame that’s right for you. As we can see, there is a lot to consider when buying a new bed frame. But if you do the research and figure out what kind of bed you want, you’ll be able to get a much more peaceful and sound sleep.

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