How Should You Take Care of Your Surfboards?


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If there’s one thing that helps a regular surfing enthusiast to become a successful surfer, it’s practice and more practice. However, at times people fail to achieve the desired results despite practicing hard. This can happen due to several factors. The most common one among them is the unavailability of the right gear. 

So, to achieve success in this field, you must always use a high-quality surfboard. Ideally, you should buy the gear from a reliable store like However, buying a perfect surfboard is not enough. You’ll also need to keep it in good shape if you want to perform consistently well in the sport of surfing. The section below talks about the process of taking care of surfboards. 

Always Put Back the Board in Bag after Use 

After every use, wait for the surfboard to become dry and put it back into its bag. This is crucial for preventing the gear from developing dings and dents. Most of these dings and dents occur when the surfboard is not in use. 

You must have seen people strap their surfboards on their car’s roof without covering them up. There cannot be a more wrong way of handling a surfboard. Ideally, you should purchase a bag for the board the moment you place an order for the board. 

Don’t Expose It to Heat

Indeed, you’ll need to use the surfboard amid scorching heat. That shouldn’t cause any harm to the gear if you have bought a high-quality piece. Top manufacturers ensure that a surfboard is durable enough to sustain sun exposure during use. However, never commit the mistake of storing the board in a place that will expose it to extreme heat.  

High temperatures and an excessive amount of sunlight can make the body of the surfboard extremely dry. This, in turn, will lead to the formation of cracks. And whenever you’ll be using the surfboard, you will see water seeping in through those cracks. This will lead to delamination. In other words, the foam would separate from the board’s outer coating making it less sturdy. 

Keep the Board Standing Upright 

The shape of the surfboard will make it almost impossible for you to keep it standing upright. However, to keep it running for years, you must ensure that it’s hung horizontally with its fins facing upward whenever it’s not in use. One way you can make it possible is by buying a surfboard rack. Once the gear is dry, place it inside a bag and hang it on the rack. 

Prevent the Formation of Salt Deposits on the Board

Surfing is an activity performed in seawater. So, you should be ready to deal with salt deposition on various parts of the gear after every use. Rinse the board carefully using fresh water to remove the salt deposited in various corners. You must do this immediately after leaving the ocean. Omitting the step would cause major damage to the board and reduce its lifespan. 

Final Words 

Following the above tips will keep your surfboard in perfect shape for years. It will not only remain sturdy but will also not lose its external luster. 

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